Fourteen: "It's her parental unit channel."

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"What do you mean 'someone's trying to hack into her internal com-link', Ratchet?" Arcee asked as she watched the medic struggle to hold the fidgeting sparkling.

"It's an old war tactic that was dropped in the middle of the war by both sides. It was used as a form of torture or a way to find out information depending on what channel one would hack into."

"I thought she would only have access to that when she was older." Bulkhead stated as he had taken a step back to allow the medic to work.

"Yes well typically she would but it appears she might have one all ready downloaded to her processor already, I just have to figure out which one and the only way todo that sadly is to get her to allow who ever is clearly going at a great deal to either get her attention or find her location. Formally her signature will be scrambled automatically so if she were to give in she would be safe, the only down side is she will be the only one to communicate with who ever is trying to contact her." Ratchet stated.

Miko continued to sob uncontrollably as she reached her servo's up to her audio receptors again. The white noise she was hear was becoming unbearable for her now. She didn't know what was going on not to mention also from wires Ratchet was attempting to connect to her helm didn't help any. The sparkling-teen was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people in the room, not to mention what was going on. Much to her displeasures her servos were taken gently into someone else who had leaned down to her level. Through the tears falling from her optics she was able to make out the familiar white and orange figure who had leaned down to her level. "Miko, can you hear me?" Ratchet asked after a moment.

Through a brief pause {and a few watery hiccups} Miko nodded her helm as another sobbed caused her small for to shake.

Ratchet smiled in relief at the notion of Miko being able to understand him. "I need you to calm your self long enough to listen to who ever is trying to get your attention. If you talk to them the noise your hearing will go away." Ratchet stated calmly. He glanced at the giant monitor behind them as several lines showed to be erratic before finally evening out. Miko's cries died down moments after before she suddenly leaned forward and nearly fell off the medical birth if it wasn't for Ratchet quickly catching her. upon inspecting her face for any form of communication Ratchet quickly took note of Miko's sudden relaxed, yet almost sickly pale face. Ratchet looked to the monitor above them. "It's-It's- this isn't possible at least not now." Ratchet suddenly mumbled more so to him self but the other's still heard.

"What is it old friend?" Optimus asked after a moment.

"It's her parental unit channel." He simply stated.

"What do you mean 'her parental unit channel'. None of us has bonded with her enough to even access that sort of thing with her not to mention I doubt she even knows about it her self." Arcee stated, arms crossed over her chest as she watched Ratchet gently set the nearly comatose sparkling on the berth.

"It means who ever had taken care of her on the Nemesis must have gotten her to open up enough to them todo this. I doubt with her knowledge as most parental units don't bother to explain this type of thing as usually by the time they were younglings they would already understand."

"Do we know who it could have been?" Arcee asked.

"Well were about to find out." Ratchet simply stated as one of the lines on the monitor suddenly became to pulse at a steady rate then suddenly static filled the room.

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