Halloween 2020

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"Simon, I told you three times this week. No. I will not stay late today." My boss gave me a disapproving look but I held my ground. I always stayed late, doing more than my fair share of work and picking up the slack of my coworkers. I had been since starting here after Brandon's death.

"The sketches are due tomorrow."

"I'm aware. My part of the project is also done. Zoey's part is the unfinished part. I'm taking my daughter trick or treating. So no. I will not stay late. It's not my work."

"Zoey is going to a party."

"Not. My. Problem." Dear God. Working for a man was a challenge, but working for a twenty-four year old know it all, even worse. It seemed like every time my boss turned twenty five he was magically promoted and replaced by someone fresh out of college. This was the third boss I'd had in four years. "I'll see you Monday," I said as I gathered my belongings and walked out the door.

The drive to my house from work took around twenty minutes and when I pulled into the driveway Ellie was already sitting on the porch in her Spider-Man costume. She was going through a superhero phase. I'd tried to convince her to be wonder woman or bat woman. But I couldn't argue with her when she was right. A girl could be Spider-Man too. And honestly, even if she'd been wrong, do you have any idea how hard it is to argue with a five-year old version of yourself? It's exhausting.

"Mommy!" She yelled while running towards me and jumping into my arms, causing me to drop my tote bag. Thankfully all the files stayed put.

"Hi, sweet girl."

"We go now?" She asked in her cute little voice. Speaking was a challenge for her, but it'd been getting better with speech therapy.

"In a few minutes. I need to change and say hi to Ms. Christine." My elderly, black neighbor was sitting on the porch swing, knitting needles in her hand while she watched our exchange. Her glasses were always on the end of her nose, which begged the question did she actually need them? Or was it all for show? Either way, it suited her.

"Hi Ms. Christine."

"Hey, child," she greeted like always. "How was work?"

"Same old same. Thanks so much for watching her."

"It's my pleasure. I'm all alone now since Marcus has been gone, but you know what that's like don't you." She truly was alone, never having been able to have children of her own. I think that's why she enjoyed spending so much time with Ellie.

"Not today," I begged her, already knowing where this was going.

"It's been four years, baby. You're so young." Tears formed in my eyes against my will.

"I've got Ellie to take care of," I said dismissively. She knew when not to push but slipped in one last little piece of wisdom.

"You don't have to look for someone, but if someone stumbles onto your path, promise me you won't shut yourself off to it."

"Fine," I agreed readily. It's not like attractive, single men were lining up to date a widowed single mother. And I had the deal I made with myself. If someone came into my life and made me feel like Brandon had, I'd be open to it. But that wasn't possible.

"We go now?" Ellie asked again, stepping between Ms. Christine and me.

"We need to eat dinner first."

"Mith Cwisthine eat wiv us?" Her lisp came out stronger when she spoke too quickly or got too excited.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?"

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