Chapter 20

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Cher's POV
When we arrived at the hospital I felt kinda okay other than the slight dizziness.
"Hi my friend needs to be checked out, she was injected with some weird liquid."
As Cami checks me in I take a seat and look around. Wow Cher your in the hospital twice in one month already, that has to be a record. When Cami was done at the desk she came back and sat down.
"They said to wait a minute Cher, just hold on and don't fall asleep"

Nico's POV
Once I had picked up the last can of beer from the floors I decided to call Cher seeing as she hasn't called me at all. When I checked my phone I had 10 missed calls from Chiara and 20 messages as well as 20 missed calls from Cami and 30 text messages. What was going on?
Calling Cami back she picks up after the second ring.
"Nico?! Nico omg why weren't you answering?!"
"Can you lower your voice a bit Cam geez? What's wrong?"
"Cher is in the hospital, your crazy ex girlfriend injected her with some weird stuff and the doctor is checking her out now."
"I'm sorry did you just say my ex girlfriend? Amira is in town?! Is Cher okay?! I'm heading to the hospital now" I reply running out to my car.
"I'm not sure the doctor is checking her out. Nico can you do us a favor?"
"Uh yeah sure what is it?"
"Can you pick up Damiano? Their parents are out of town and his bike isn't working. Please Nico I know you two don't get along but he's freaking out at home and I'm worried."
"Your joking right? This is a joke"
"No it's not, if not for him do it for Cher."
After finally giving in I hung up on Cami and headed to Cher's house to pick up Damiano. This day could not get any worse.
After a few minutes I arrived and saw Damiano waiting for me by the curb.
"Took you long enough, my sister is in the hospital once again cause of you the least you could do is drive faster"
As Damiano finishes his stupid rant I continue to drive.
"Look man I get it you don't like me. But your sister does and I love her so I'm going to try and get along with you for her sake."
"You don't love her Nico, you just think you do. And when you break her heart I'm going to have to pick up the pieces and put her back together again."
"I'm not going to break her heart! Why can't you guys just understand that it's different with Cher?"
"Oh please whats so different?"
"She makes me feel different, she's not like the other girls. She gives me a different feeling when I'm with her and it doesn't feel fake like all my other relationships. She makes me feel wanted like I'm not just some person here on Earth. I don't think you'll understand but that's fine."
"She really likes you Niccolo, please don't ruin her"
Turning to face Damiano I nod.
"I wouldn't dream of it"
As we reached the hospital I parked the car and we both ran to the emergency room. I saw Cami sitting on one of the chairs waiting.
"Hey any news?" I ask taking a seat with her.
"Yeah uh she's going to be okay. Turns out Amira was just bluffing which is good. The liquid was just saline mixed with some melatonin pills so the doctors just making sure she's okay and they'll discharge her."
"That's good, how did this happen?"
"We went out for lunch and then out of no where Amira comes out and threatens Cher. She's even crazier that before Nico. We managed to get the security to stop her and Chiara stayed to talk to the police."
"Who's Amira? And why did she try and drug my sister?"
"She's Nico ex girlfriend." Cami answers
"What are they going to do with Amira?" I ask
"I'm not sure, Cher's parents will be home by today. They'll probably put a restraining order on her and maybe even you"
"Me?! Why me?"
"I'm just assuming, as long as you and Cher are together then Amira won't stop unless you talk to her and sort this out."
"For Cher Yoanes"
The three of us stand up and head to the doctor.
"Hi I'm Dr. Nelson, please follow me"
As the three of us follow him we reach a room where we are greeted with Cher.
"So Ms. Yoanes here is okay, we just have her some antibiotics just in case there's infection from the injection. But other than that she's going home" the doctor explains as he leaves the room to sign the discharge papers.
Making my way to Cher I indulge her in a hug.
"Hi baby" she says hugging me
"I'm so glad you're okay love, I can't believe this happened" I reply placing a sweet kiss on her nose.
"I know but thank god she didn't inject me with some other stuff that could have killed me. I think you win for craziest ex though"
"Yup I do" I reply laughing
When Cher had everything ready we were in the parking lot.
"So I'm going to take you home and Damiano can ride with Cami" I suggest
"Um I think Cami can drop me and Dam off at our house. I'm feeling a bit tired babe, I just feel like being home in bed all day. We can hang out later tonight though"
Agreeing with her I kiss her goodbye and head home.

Cher's POV
There was no way I was going to leave Damiano and Camila in a car alone. So I had to sacrifice my time with Nico unfortunately.
"Well I'm going to go pick up Chiara from the diner now. Call me later Cher, and please stay safe"
Once Cami dropped us off I was ready for Damiano to give me so much shit about Nico and what happened.
"The cops will probably be here in a bit so get some rest while you can baby sis"
"That's it? You're not going to be up my ass about Nico?"
"Believe it or not, I think I'm starting to like Nico. He made me see just how much you mean to him." He replies leaving to his room.
At least something good came out of this... my boys are getting along.

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