Chapter 1

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A girl stood in front of the school.
"So this is the new school" she said to herself "it's bigger than my old one. I hope I don't get lost. I should probably head inside"
She headed inside.
Once she got inside she stopped and looked around.
"Hey, wait a sec. Where'd Kate go? It's just like her to lecture me on and on and on while I'm busy painting but the one time I actually want her to be there she disappears. Looks like I'm on my own, now"
She headed upstairs to her first class
Meanwhile another girl with dark brown hair that looked soaking wet, blue eyes, and was wearing a blue swimsuit with a blue hoodie and blue jeans over top of it was talking to her friend. He was wearing a nice white shirt and some nice jeans.
"Come on, go on a date with me" he asked the girl
"Shut up Jonathan" she replied to him in a frustrated and annoyed tone
"Come on, you're my best friend"
"I've known you since we were three and you only consider me a friend when you want a date. Besides I've changed since then you haven't seen me in eight years"
"Come on, Serena-"
She slapped him in the face before he could finish
"NEVER CALL ME SERENA!" She yelled at him
"But, but, but, I thought it was your name?"
She slapped him again
"That's my given name that I hate, now. Only my parents can call me that."
"Then what should I call you?"
"I told you a week ago to call me Springs! You idiot!"
"How was I supposed to know? I wasn't paying attention" he said before she slapped him in face
At that same moment the teacher came out of her classroom
"Miss. Serena. You do NOT slap another student. Detention after school, today." The teacher said
"Yes, Ms. Jempson" Springs replied
"Now, Ms. Serena, get to class or you will have another detention. Mr. Jonathan if you need to go to the nurses office feel free to head there now"
Both students headed into the class room.
Shortly after, the bell rang.
"Ok class we have four new students joining us, today. Please stand up and say your name and one fact about yourself"
The first girl stood up. She had straight, chocolate brown hair that she had put into a messy ponytail with her bangs almost completely covering her right eye. She was wearing a red plaid shirt and a pair of old jeans that were covered in a bunch of dirt and mud stains and had quite a few tears in it and was wearing a pair of old runners.
"My name is Hailey and I know how to survive in the forest"
"Thank you Miss. Hailey" Ms. Jempson said
Hailey sat back down.
The next girl stood up. She was the same girl who had been outside earlier. She had long dark brown hair with purple streaks in it and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a hot pink headband with a green star on it across her head instead of in her hair. She had a blue T-shirt that she had hand painted design of a skull with roses and was wearing some blue jeans with paint stains and tears and had black converse which also had paint stains on them. She had a don't mess with me expression on her face
"My name is Tara, NOT Sara so don't try calling me that, I paint and don't care what you think of me"
"Thank you Miss Sara" Ms. Jempson said
"TARA. With. A. T not an S"
"Please sit back down"
Tara sat back down stubbornly
The third girl stood up. She had messy and slightly dirty platinum blond hair and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a long turquoise dress with a jean jacket and was wearing some old beaten up shoes.
"M-my name is Lilliana and I-"
Before she could finish she got a really bad headache and it hurt a lot and she was almost in tears from the pain
"M-Ms. Jempson, could I go to the nurses office please?" She asked while almost crying
"Are you sure about that dear? Class just started"
Lilliana couldn't answer because she was crying from the pain
"If a person has a headache it's best if they rest otherwise things can get really bad. So it's probably best for her if she gets some rest" Tara said
"And how would you know such a thing?" Hailey asked Tara.
Tara shrugged. "I have an older sister who's obsessed with science" she replied
"Girls, please stop this little chit chat of yours or else both of you will have a detention" Ms. Jempson warned
"Pfft. Who cares?" Hailey replied
"That's it. Miss Hailey you will meet me here for detention after school"
A girl who looked the same as Hailey except with her curly hair worn down and was wearing a pink, short sleeve dress that stopped just above her knees with silver runners that had a secret wedge inside them, stood up and asked Ms. Jempson:
"Excuse me, Ms. Jempson? But maybe I could take Lilliana to the nurses office. It seems like a good idea and when she's better she can head back to class"
"Alright Miss Hazel" Ms. Jempson said "if you insist"
Hazel and Lilliana both headed out to go to the nurses office
"Now it is time for the lesson to begin" Ms Jempson said
"Excuse me, Ms Jempson" a girl with shoulder length light brown hair and big green eyes wearing an old, faded out, green t-shirt and dark blue baggy jeans and a pair of white runners raised her hand.
"I think you missed me" the girl said
"And what is your name?" Ms. Jempson asked
"Jackie. I'm one of the new students"
"Ok miss Jacquelyn say your name and a fact about yourself"
"Jackie isn't short for Jacquelyn. It's just Jackie. And a fact about myself would be...that I am all but obsessed with the colour green because it is my eye colour and I just love it"
"Alright you can sit back down Miss Jacquelyn"
Jackie sat down. As soon as she did Springs leaned over to her and whispered "Your favourite colour is your eye colour?"
Jackie whispered back "yes. It is"
Springs whispered back to Jackie "me and you are going to get along perfectly"
"Miss Jacquelyn, Miss Serena. Please stop this little chit chat of yours unless you want detention"
Jackie and Springs stopped talking.
"Now if everybody would please hand in their homework"
A girl with dark brown hair worn in a braid that had a faded blue streak running through it. She had blue eyes and was wearing an oversized, dark purple hoodie and black leggings with a pair of grey combat boots. She also wore a pair of dark pink, rectangular shaped glasses. She had her hand raised in the air
"Yes, miss Amelia?" Ms. Jempson asked her.
The girl replied "I accidentally forgot my homework by mistake, I'm sorry"
"Then detention for you miss Amelia"
Amelia tried not to cry
"Now if everybody else would please hand in their homework"

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