james gets a locking diaper put on his diaper for he felt bad for his big sister

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Cynder had just putted a locking diaper over her son's diaper because he feels bad for terra for not letting her know that she's a bedwetter like her little brother and sister.  When terra saw her little brother's diaper covered with a locking diaper, she freaked out. James my little brother you shouldn't have putted that on over your diaper. Terra said. I didn't do that, our mother put this locking diaper on over my diaper because I felt bad for you that you were being forced to wear your wet & poopy diaper and continue peeing & pooping in it for a week as punishment for threatening to spank me. James said squashing the back of terra's diaper against her rear. Terra eeped as the poopy mess in the back of her diaper was pushed against her butt. Terra to help you feel better, you can spank my diapered butt  every day of your punishment.  James said laying on his stomach across terra's lap, as terra started spanking his diapered butt. And James didn't cry. Then terra hugged  her little brother for letting her spank his diapered butt during her punishment their mother had putted her on.

James Graham Becomes His Diapered Cousin's Little Brother.Where stories live. Discover now