×1 - New co-worker;

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'Have a nice day sir!' I said as I handed the old man his black coffee. I worked at a coffee store, which was pretty small and quite unpopular, but still a lot of people came here. I sat by the desk where the cash register was and scrolled through my phone, when someone came in. I put my phone on the desk and stood up to greet the tall man that came in.

'Good morning sir! What would you like?' I said, what I repeat everytime.
'Well I was wondering, do you guys need a new worker?' he asked. I had to think a bit, when I excused him for a while to ask my co-worker, Ash, if there is any place. He nodded and I turned back to the tall guy.

'There's one more place here, so just fill in this list' I said, handing him a paper with some questions to fill in.
He thanks me, takes the paper and sits down. He grabs a pen out of his bag and starts filling in the list.

A couple minutes later he came back to hand over the list. I read it through. His handwriting was beautiful and smooth.
'Is it... Bad?' he asked.
'No no it's good!' I said, chuckling.
'You're in' I said and saw a smile appear on his face. I pointed to a door,
'You can go there to get the shirt and name badge, just don't forget to write your name on it' I explained.

He nodded and headed over to the door. Before opening it and entering, he looked back at me, and thanked me with a smile;
'Thank you! I won't be a trouble'
I smiled back.
A couple minutes later he came back with the beige shirt on, that everyone had, with a badge pinned on it with his name written on it with the same pretty handwriting.

320 words, not bad for a first chapter! I hope you guys liked it, I'll make sure to make the next chapter a bit longer :)

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