How you meet

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Steve Rogers

You were in a park with your best friend Sam Wilson when a man passes the both of your saying "On your left" . You smirk at your friend and the two of you run as fast as you can to catch uo to to the male . Out of breath Sam sits on  the ground catching his breath as you drink water right next to him . The blonde male from earlier aproaches the two of you and Sam make a sarcastic remark about the mans running skills . When you get a clear look at his face you relize that you are talking to none other that the captain america . You shake his hand , "Steve  Rogers and you are?" he ask. "Y/N , Y/N L/N" 

Tony Stark

You met Tony at one of his parties . You were also a famous scientist and you were indendant  , Tony admired that . So being the charming fellow he was came up to use his skills failing until he mentioned science and you became engulfed in the conversation and turns out that Tony isnt a complete ass like you thought he was . 

Peter Parker 

Peter was walking down the hallway when Flash shoved him into a locker a punched him in the gut. Peter was used to this but he had better things to do than worry about a few punches to the face he had dealt with worse since he had become spiderman. While Flash was still beating up Peter, a voice was  saying stop heard and everybody stopped and turned to the person who had spoken . "What did you just say nerd ?" said Flash facing the girl who had spoken up . It was the new girl . "I said stop ,there is no reason for you to need to beat up an innocent person just to boost your ego!" She said louder . She was obviously mad  and she just walked passed Flash , grabbed Peter and took him to the nurses office . "Thanks for helping me , Im Peter , Peter Parker." Parker said holding his hand out . Y/N Rogers 

Wade Wilson 

Wade was walking down the street when he heard a noise . Being the dumbass he is he walked towards where the noise was coming from .Only to find you  snapping a dude's neck and shooting another .You saw him and quite calmly walked up to him and asked him not to tell anyone about what he just saw . "If you give me  your number and name I will forget about this , sound good ?" Wade asked wanting to know more about the you say . "Sure my name is Y/N and I will gladly tell you my number if you tell me why your wearing a mask in the middle of spring? "(dont ask I just want this to be in spring) He takes his mask off and you stare at him for a while . You dont know why but you instantly blush for you thought he was cute , handsome at that. "I know I know Im ugly but thats the whole reason I wear the mask ." He says looking away . "No , no your not ugly I think you look adorable and thats alot coming from me ,I never give complements " You say standing on your tippy toes to make him look at you (Ryan reynolds is like 6'2 so yeah if your not under 5'10 then you can change it , I just made it that way because Im 5'5 so yeah)  "Thanks Y/N" Is all Wade says as the two of you walk off and continue to talk.

A/N : The last one didnt make since but I did my best but I will be making a part 2 because Im nice like that . Some of these chapters may have three parts depending on what images my haed creates. (And yes I do pretend act out these images when Im alone because why not)

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