Chapter 6

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The King and Queen were worried about their son especially after hearing the search team returning without any good news. The King decided to meet Mr. Kim {Tae's father} about said situation. Soon after Mr. Kim appeared before Mr. Jeon in his office. "Why have you summoned me Jeon?!"  he asked sternly. "Where is my son?! I know your boy met with him the other day at the training grounds, so where is he?!" 

Mr. Kim couldn't help but laugh hysterically, "Seriously Jeon? This is why you asked me to come here? To ask about your missing son?!"  He laughs louder "I don't even care about my own sons and here you are asking about yours. Haha!! I can't believe this" Mr. Jeon shook his head "This is no laughing matter Kim! For all we know our sons could be out there carelessly exposing our kind!!!" Mr. Kim scoffed and laughed once more "What? And you think I care?! Those blasted humans will eventually know about us anyway...With that being said, I have things to do, Oh and Jeon...don't you dare call me for such childish matters ever again" He said while getting up from his seat and heading towards the door.

When Kim left, Jeon's own words terrified him, the thought of his son out there possibly fighting with that wet dog exposing themselves to the human world that would only wreak havoc on their own lives. His thoughts were interrupted when his older son came bursting through the door. "Father! we've just been informed that Jungkook is hiding amongst the humans!!", "Then what are we waiting for?! The blood moon is quickly approaching us, let's go find him at once!!", "Yes Father!! I will alert the others" Hobi replies as he left the room to round up the search team to find his brother.

As the hours continued to pass by Jimin started to feel weird, something he never felt before. He doesn't know what caused it but as usual he just shrugged it off. Soon it was time for him to leave for home, he took the normal route on the street since it was only 7pm. {Oops bad idea} As he was walking along the street his nose picked up a scent that was very delightful.

He began running and after a while he bumped into his soon to be victim. The taller male looked drunk and judging by the way he slurred, one can tell that he had quite a few drinks. However, this was the man that Jimin was looking for. The man on the other hand started to get agitated and raised his fist at Jimin. So what does he do? He hastily sinks his fangs into his victim's neck causing him to fall on top of him as the man shrieked in pain.

In just seconds the man was dead as Jimin drank the last drop of blood. Not long after Jimin came back to his senses as he looked at the lifeless body that laid beneath him and his hands that are now covered with blood. Terrified, Jimin ran as fast as he could and stopped in the same alley where he was bitten.

He sat on the sidewalk and looked at his now shaking hands trying to process what just happened. Once again Jungkook was walking in that same alley where Jimin's scent hit him again. However, not wanting a repeat of last time he calmed his hunger and then slowly approached the boy. He could see from a distance that his hands and mouth were covered with blood.

Not really sure what that could mean, he decided to make Jimin his top priority at the moment since he seems a bit shaken. However deep down he hoped that biting Jimin doesn't pose a problem or else it would be his fault... Right?

He sat next to the blonde, "Hey there, are you okay?" He asked knowing full well that he wasn't at all close to it. The latter replied with a shaky breath "Y-yeah, umm I t-think so" while trying to hide the blood on his hands not knowing that Jungkook already saw them. He then settled himself and looked at Jungkook, "Ohh, it's you again. Why are you out so late at night?"

Jungkook smiled warmly and said "Well, I saw someone sitting here looking like they've just seen a ghost and well umm... I don't really have a home to return to", "So where do you sleep at night?", "Would you believe in the tallest tree on a branch?" Kook responded looking somewhat serious but his tone said otherwise which left Jimin to wonder if he was kidding or not.

"I don't know if your joking or not and call me crazy for saying this..." Jungkook looked at him, wondering what he was about to say. Jimin continued "....but if you need a place to stay I can help with that" "Really how so?" Jungkook asked feeling curious. "My mother left me a huge apartment with almost two of everything and well...umm...I wouldn't mind having a roommate. So you get comfort and I get company." Jungkook was taken aback by this gesture, he could not believe what he was hearing, "Wait.... What?", "From now on you're staying with me and I'm not taking no for an answer either" he said with a smile that almost melted Jungkook's heart.

"Are you sure about this? I have a very lovely tree you know", "Yes I'm very sure and I already said I wasn't taking no for an answer. So what's your name?", "Jeon Jungkook and you Angel?", Jimin tried not to blush at the nickname and failed miserably "Park Jimin. Well Jungkook let's go home", "Lead the way" Both males stood up and walked side by side towards Jimin's apartment.


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