interigator meets a ghost

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(Alex, lexy, Lilith, and the triplets only call you ghost in public and when your in privacy than it's your real name)

third p.o.v




Y/n: ugh

Y/n got up and out of the bed and walked over to the door and opened it up but that turned into a mistake when a fist came flying towards his face so he ducked and threw the person over his shoulder he soon got up and closed the door and turned to the intruder but the intruder was able to recover and swept his legs from under him causing him to fall to the floor the person then proceeded to pick him up and throw him towards the wall once ghost back hits the wall the person pulled a blade out from their lower back and rushed ghost aiming for the neck but ghost was able to catch the person's arm before they landed the strike ghost looked at the blade that was near his throat than he looked at the hand and followed until he reached the face of his attacker and it was a female but he couldn't tell who she was with the war paint on her face but she looked oddly familiar as the two look each other in the eye ghost's grip on the knife started to slip which started cutting his palm making it harder to hold so being the fast thinker he is he drove his knee into the girls stomach which gave him a opening so he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into him which allowed him to put her in a choke hold but ghost didn't see the dagger that she managed to pull out and stabbed him in his side which caused him to push her away and pulled the dagger out. Ghost looked at the dagger and tossed it aside once he did that he was able to get a better look at the girl with the skull war paint she was wearing a dark blue outfit with the sleeves rolled up and black finger less gloves and her hair was tied up in a french braid but ghost couldn't take his eyes off of her physique he looked her over and was impress she was gorgeous and the war paint just added his amusement ghost couldn't hold back a smirk the two stared at each other

???: i'm gonna enjoy cutting you open....GHOST

Ghost: oh i'm flattered that you know me

???: lets see if a GHOST such as you're self can bleed shall we

caveria p.o.v

after that little conversation with the ghost he got into his fighting stance i pulled out another knife that was strapped to my boot and i got into my stance we stood there for a good minute seeing which one would make the first move but i was growing impatience so i rushed him i went for a stab to his stomach but he side-stepped it and grabbed my wrist and twisted it enough to make me drop the knife but i caught the knife in my other one and went for and slash at his stomach but he moved to the side making me slash his side he than pushed me away with his foot he looked at his side and saw that it was bleeding i looked at my knife and examined the blood that was on it

me: so a GHOST can bleed which means you can die than


me: awe cat got's you're tongue ghost

third p.o.v

while the fight between y/n and caveria was happening down the hall from the room was lilith and lexy walking and chatting they sooned arrived at the door to y/n's room they stood there looking at the door and looked at each other

lexy: well go on what's ya waiting for lilith knock

lilith: why me and why not you lexy

lexy: well because he's you're man that's why

lilith:(blush) wh-wha-what ghost and me don't be ridicules we aren't dating

lexy: awe someone has a crush on ghost and would you just knock

lilith: ugh fine than

As lilith was about to knock on the door someone flys out landing on lexy and lilith and causing alot of ruckes which caught everyone attention that was near the scene but soon some of the rookies helped lexy and lilith stand up and other went to get help when lexy and lilith stood up they looked at the person who slammed into them and saw that it was caveria so the two looked into y/n's room only to see him standing at the door frame with only his pants and mask on causing lilith to blush and lexy to giggle at her but they soon noticed the cut on his side covered with blood but caveria stood up and leaned against the wall to help her stand and y/n did the same but more of unamused leaning

Caveria (spits): I'm not done with you GHOST

ghost: ohh is that so it sure looks like ur done

Ghost was about to finish her but lion, sledge, thatcher, rushed in and blocked the two while ash and zofia checked up on caveria

Ash: tonya are you alright what happened

Zofia:he did this didn't he

Zofia glared at ghost once those words left her mouth but he just stood there looking at the three men but kept his eyes on caveria he was amazed by her she's one of the three who impressed him so far

Ghost: we're done here

As he said that ghost grabbed a shirt put it on and was heading to the cafeteria until one of them spoke up

Lion: coward you only beat up woman than run when men come to help

Ghost: you're talking about a woman who is in the military who can defend her self and who said I'm scared of the three of you, you guys are just a waste of my time that's all

Y/n p.o.v

The guy who called me a coward rushed me he was going for a jab but I side stepped and used his momentum and threw a kick to his stomach when he fell to his knees I kicked his head into the wall

Me: anyone else think I'm a coward



Zofia: you're pay for what you did GHOST

Caveria:"grunts" this isn't over...GHOST

with that I walked to the cafeteria to get something to eat as I was walking I heard foot steps behind me so I looked to see who foot steps those as they belonged to lexy and Lilith so I stopped to let them catch up and once they did I continued to walk The three of us walked in silence but it wasn't a awkward silence but a comfortable silence until lilith spoke up

Lilith: so y/n what was all that with caveria

Me: she started some type of "beef" if I say so but whatever it was I ended it

As they were talking they walked in to the cafeteria and got their plates lexy got waffles, eggs, and bacon while Lilith and y/n got 2 English McMuffins and a hash brown the three looked around the cafeteria and spotted Alex in the far corner eating oatmeal so they went and sat with him lexy sat next to Alex and Lilith sat with y/n as they say down the four ate in silence until once again lexy spoke up

Lexy: so Lilith I see you got the same breakfast as ghost

Lilith: shut up lexy it was all a coincidence that's all huh ghost

Alex: I don't know about that you always get what he gets like every time

Alex and lexy fits bump each other on teasing Lilith while she tried to convince them that it was a coincidence but while that was happening the intercom came on

Intercom:all operators report to the stimulation room asap I repeat all operators to the stimulation room asap

Alex: I'm guessing that means us too right

Y/n: yeah it does

The four all got up an left for the stimulation room

A/n: and that's where I'm going to end this one for now hope you guys like this chapter this was stupidity difficult but none the less here you go stay frosty lady's and gents 🤘

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