43. Pandora's box

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***Mature content warning ahead, reader's discretion is advised***

The time would never stop for anyone. With every passing moment, Navah's heart raced to worry about Lian's safety while anticipation is evident on the rebel leader's face that he was about to meet his children after a very long time. On the other hand, Eli sho's injuries healed but he is still dreadful about the thought of what will happen if the rebels find out the identities of the trio.

One fine evening as the sun slowly faded into the twilight sky, the sound of horse hooves echoed around the camp and a safety bell sign indicated the return of the Lian and others.

Amongst a harsh voice can be heard from outside. Navah immediately knew that could only belong to one person.

"Brother Nara, sister Rene" Nemi's face lit like fireworks. He shook off the rebels who constricted him.

"I sincerely apologize for having put you both in this situation" Sene apologized.

"It is not your fault sister Sene, brother Hanse explained to me everything," Nemi calmed down.

All the rebels unmounted their horses one by one but Lian is nowhere to see."Li...Hanse...where is he?" Navah's forehead started to sweat profusely. There is nothing Navah's eyes wanted to see except Lian but there is no sight of him.

"He.." Nemi paused.

Navah's heart jumped. He has been making himself prepared if this happens if he doesn't see Lian. He straightened his back and his eyes widened with determination. In a moment, he is about to teach a lesson to these lying rebel bastards. He will shred them apart and make them pay.

Right at moment, a sweet voice made its way towards his ears "My horse got very tired so it couldn't move any faster"

With those words, Navah's instinct to create carnage stopped in an instant.

Navah jumped toward Lian with no eye for others and hugged him tightly refusing to leave him anymore. Such an act left everyone flustered.

"Hem, hem" Nemi coughed profusely.

With a twisted face, the junior rebel leader spoke "Now that you have verified your friend's and better half's safety, release our leader"

To pay attention to the matters at hand, Lian removed Navah's hands which encircled him tightly with a huge effort.

"Bring the rebel leader back" Navah instructed Eli sho who kept watch on the rebel leader.

Red danced around the rims of the rebel leader's eyes at the sight of the Mortland siblings. "Nemi, Nula" he sprinted at once and hugged them tightly leaving them perplexed.

"What are you doing?" Nemi quickly took a step back pulling Nula along with him.

The rebel leader looked at his empty hands and events of the past flashed around his eyes.

"Why don't you think of us? why don't you think of our family? what is it to you if the people die or not? Why do you have to be the one to solve their problems?"

"Someone has to"

"Then why does it have to be you? Do you even know who you're standing against? You can live in this hell but I'm not putting my children's lives in danger" she scoffed grabbing little Nula and Nemi from his grip.

The rebel leader looked at his empty hands with a broken heart.

A similar face appeared in front of the rebel leader now. Nula is like a spitting image of her mother. Right then Nula took a step toward the rebel leader, she signed that it is okay for Nemi. Nula took a good look at that once so familiar person, once so loving person she ever knew.

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