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//Contains Lemon
//See notes at the end for more details

It was done.

He'd gotten out. They'd gotten out.
Bait was an odd human, and had been looking for a way out as soon as arriving on the front lines. Breaker had kept an eye on the human, unable to get close under the watchful eye of the armed guards. Plotting, planning, notes slipped to each other with the brush of a hand; the contact of their smooth skin against his rough palms had sent his heart racing each time.
And now, they were both out.

The alarms blaring pressed him onwards, and as the human began to fall behind, Breaker picked them up and picked up his speed. The blood in his veins sang a song of chaos, the feeling of Bait's muscles pressing into his bare chest sending tremors through his whole body.
He was high on adrenaline.
They'd planned their escape during a full moon, hoping that it would help them get away easier. And it was working.
Breaker's bones shifted, thick fur sprouting from his skin at a rapid pace. He didn't falter, and his grip remained firm. He'd gone through enough transformations to keep his control for the time being, and he planned on running off as soon as he knew Bait was okay.

Except he didn't expect to lose control so fast.
The field in front of them was bathed in a red light, and Breaker could hear the men following behind them in the distance. He could feel himself slipping away.
"There! There's a cave!" Bait called. Breaker let out a soft growl, his grip tightening slightly around the human as he took off towards the cave entrance. It was hidden by rough foliage and brambles, and Breaker muffled a roar of pain as they tore into his fur. He made his way through, blinking in the dim lighting.
His breathing was laboured, and although he didn't feel tired he felt himself shaking slightly. His addled mind swam for an answer, but the red light spilled in through the brambles and his thoughts were wiped away.

Bait was in his arms, and had a hand against his chest shaking him. The human was trying to tell him something, but he couldn't make out what.
He didn't want to.
He pushed Bait against the wall of the cave, shuddering at the soft exhale that came from their mouth.
He knew his name, and the sound of it from the human's lips peaked his carnal interests immediately. He leaned down, breathing in deeply as he buried his face in Bait's neck. He felt the human shudder below him, letting out a soft groan and beginning to tear away at Bait's shirt.
He glared at them as their hand pushed his away, but gave them space as soon as he realised they were removing their clothes. His tail gave a brief wag, much against his own will, and he crouched down as soon as Bait's rough inmate pants fell to the ground. He grabbed the human by the hips, removing their final article of clothing before leaning in. He closed his eyes, a hand lifting one of Bait's legs as his other held them by the hip. Bait's legs shook, one hand moving back to prop themselves on the wall and the other moving to rest on Breaker's head as the werewolf lapped at their entrance.

Bait wasn't expecting this at all.
They didn't mind, even a bit. Breaker was obviously experienced with his tongue, and the human was a panting mess faster than they'd ever been before. "B-Breaker, wait. Y-you're licking too fast! I'm g-"
Bait arched their back, eyes going wide as they let out a choked moan. The hand against the wall moved to cover their mouth, their other pulling the fur atop the werewolf's head. Breaker growled softly, sending tremors through Bait's body.
Breaker pulled away, both hands moving to Bait's hips to move the human to the floor and flip them onto their stomach.

"You're ready." Breaker said, his voice deep and gravelly in his werewolf state; far deeper than it usually was.
"Will it..." Bait began softly, their voice trembling softly. They swallowed thickly, turning to look back at Breaker. "Will it hurt?"
Breaker looked into their eyes, feeling bad about the fear he saw there but unable to do anything about it. He lifted the human's hips, rougher than he'd wanted to, and leaned in. "I don't know."
Bait closed their eyes lightly, letting out a steadying breath. They'd never had a werewolf partner before; werewolves were rare away from the warfront, and the only reason they'd been able to ever see any was because of their crimes. It had been punishment that had landed them in this cave, panting below a werewolf during a full moon... And yet they felt as if they were about to be treated like they never had before.

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