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//trigger warning: implied blood and gore, character death.
//Genre: Horror
//Potentially Anxiety Inducing.

Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me?
I... I thought this was a walkie talkie maybe. There's a red light on it at least.

The sound of tapping against a plastic surface muffles the audio.

Hm. A recording device then? I guess that's as good as anything right about now. Uuuuh... Log one?
I woke up in this... Ship looking place. There's only one window, but from what I can see it's barricaded. It's... The man's voice halts, then he sighs. It's a mess in here, honestly. Junk everywhere.

Footsteps, interspersed with the rattle of metal shifting across a metallic floor; the sound of heavy objects being moved, and someone straining.

Damn... What the hell is this place? There's something off about it. Disorienting.
Maybe if I find a window that isn't blocked... Or anything, really.

A soft click as the device is turned off.

Log Two. I found some sort of panel in the wall. I think it opens the door over here... Um, the one to the left, I mean. It's a numerical code, but I have no way of knowing it. I've been in here for... Hm. Probably around two hours, now.

There is a pause, followed by a muffled curse.

That doesn't look too good.
How the fuck...

A soft clatter as the device is set down, followed by the voice growing distant.

Is there a screen? Another panel? These damn lights.

Oxygen Low.

What the fuck was that?! Oxygen Low?! Where the hell am I?!
Hey! Is there anyone in here?! Answer me!

The man sounds more frantic than before. His breathing is laboured, but begins to slow after a moment.

Calm down. Calm down. You got this. If there's someone else here, they're surely working to get me out. If not...
If not, then I gotta do this myself.

Oxygen Low

Shit. Let's just pretend I'm alone. Get your ass in gear, man.

A soft click as the device is turned off.

I got the fucking door open. The alerts haven't shut the fuck up. It's been around three hours. I'm trying not to panic, but...
God, there was so much fucking blood. It's everywhere out there.
I heard something out there, and- static briefly interrupts the transmission- fucking terrifying.

The man pants, out of breath.
There is a rattle as the device is shifted.

I'm gonna find the oxygen supply. And I'm gonna get the hell out of here.

A soft click as the device is turned off.

Log, um... Four. Yeah, four.
The man's voice is a whisper.
I made it to the system controls. Everything is offline besides Life Support, and that's failing fast. Emergency lights have turned on, but I don't know how long they'll last.

The man's voice muffles slightly, as if he is turned away from the device.

Why do they have to be red?

A soft click as the device is turned off.

Fuck. Fuck! Static distorts the audio, ending in a thud as if the device has been dropped. A loud shuffling sound, then a clatter as the device is picked up again.
It's in the vents. This thing's batteries are dying. Fuck...
The man's words are strained, as if through tears. What am I gonna do? Where the hell am I?

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