Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence

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Ben pulled Charlotte aside and asked her to help Vivian prepare for bed. The party had gone on for hours, and it was late. He had seen his bride yawn a time or two.

"I would be pleased to help my new sister. I'll come and tell you when she is ready for you. Will she be staying in your room?"

"Yes. We will not have separate bedrooms."

She nodded and hurried to collect Vivian. Ben watched his bride wave at him before she left the room. Ruth had gone to bed an hour ago. This left the men alone to have a drink, so they adjourned to the library.

A little later, Charlotte sent Earnest to inform Ben that Vivian awaited him. When he stood to leave, the men acted as if they would hoist him on their shoulders and take him to his bride. Such an act would be difficult considering his size. So they laughed at his threatening growl to not try it. Instead, they slapped him on the back and wished him well.

It was Owen who followed him as he climbed the steps. Ben turned with impatience.

"Just a word, brother." He leaned close and spoke longer than Ben had anticipated.

Ben listened carefully, asked a few questions, and then went on his way. He hurried down the hall and turned the knob to his room to step inside. Vivian sat on the edge of the bed dressed in a pretty white nightgown. The box of lambskins had been placed beside her.

"Come and join me, Ben. I waited to open the box until you can see what's inside."

He shut the door and locked it before he stepped beside her. She smiled up at him as he stopped before her. The lid was removed, and they saw individually wrapped skins in waxed paper.

"May I pick one up?" she asked. "I'll be careful."

"Of course, Vivian. We should be prepared. Where's your book? Radley said there's a description on how to wear it," he said matter-of-factly.

"I should have known he would guess I have that book." She pulled it from beneath the pillow and handed it to him. He flipped through the pages until he found the information. Instead of telling her, he held out the book to her. As she read it, he took the skin from her and peeled the paper away. The skin was rolled into a circle. She held the book out for him to study. But he had a good idea of how this was done.

He walked over to his dresser and picked up his hand brush to study the handle.

"I know what you're thinking. We need a broom handle."

He bent over with laughter at such a thought. "I won't be quite that hard, my love."

"Ben, are you afraid to try it on yourself? Will it hurt?"

"If they hurt, men wouldn't wear them. Here, feel of it."

"It's soft."

He knew it would have to be rolled as it was. "I need to change into a nightshirt." He went behind the privacy screen and removed his waistcoat, and tossed it over the top of the screen. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he softly mumbled, "The thickness should help."

"Why would that help?"

His eyes slowly shut with the knowledge that he had spoken loud enough for her to hear. He hadn't intended that to happen at all. "It shouldn't leak," he told her because he wasn't about to explain he would probably have little control while inside of her.

He placed his shirt on top of the other items, but as he began to unbutton his pants, he realized the nightshirt hanging on the hook was not a fresh one. The maid who made up his room had neglected switching it with a clean one. With a mental shrug, he stepped around the screen.

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