Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Rosemary, come eat!" Uncle called from down the stairs. "We are having guest over, so dress up ok?" it was now Sunday and I still couldn't believe what was going on in my life. I think I'm going crazy.

"Yeah." I yelled down, I needed a pick me up I turned on my IPod on with my stereo and put it on blast. Jumping into the shower singing along to Magic Carpet Ride, then steped out to get dressed getting dressed. I jump around while putting on my gathered Chambray dress and pair of black converses and walk down stairs were I'm greeted with four people in my living room. I stared at my Uncle and the two strangers that were sitting on my purple love seat, the fourth person hasn't been aware of my entrance, but then he turn around and I almost collapse. It was ... Mikai... right?  I started to shake. Was I dreaming again? Why is he here?

"Rosemary, have you meet our new neighbors?" my Uncle asked.

"No I haven't had the chance." I replied, starring hard at Mikai. I walked around slowly my eyes never leaving his. Does he remember me? About what he said, about me being his first everything? Well I don't know about first anything this guy was crazy gorgeous and to think he was a virgin at the age of 18 is crazy of me.

~But, I am a virgin. ~ (M)

what the hell was that? I thought as I bumped into the green Lazy boy as my body flipped over the other side I landed sharply on my ass.

"Ow, my ass hurts." I slipped and immediately covered my mouth. I looked down not even wanting to look up my cheeks are a flamed as I stand and smooth out my dress.

"Are you ok, Rosemary?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

~That was hilarious love; I don't remember you being so clumsy... yet. ~(M)

There it goes again was I going crazy... maybe it's Mikai like in the dream, he can hear what I'm thinking.

~Can you hear me? ~(R)

I looked directly at Mikai again; he was smiling widely at me again.

~Hello love I've found you again~ (M)

I gasped and turn to look at my Uncle not daring to look at Mikai.

"Are you ok Rosemary?" my Uncle asked me again. I shook my head yes not able to speak as the overwhelming known fact that I can communicate with this man right beside me in my mind! Can I do this with anybody or is it just me and him.

~It's just me love, don't worry you'll remember soon! ~(M)

I shook my head to try to hear what my Uncle was saying.

"... The Knight's have just moved from New York." Well that's a down grade.

~It was where you were.  I had to come as soon as I sensed you, you know. I can't live without you and you can't live without me. ~(M)

~I don't know about you but I was doing pretty well. ~(R)

~Yeah that's why you almost died on me; I'm glad I reached you in time, like I've been there for all those years. ~(M)

It was quite for a moment, I notice everybody look at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear me? I said that Mikai is going to Rackfield with you. Isn't that great?"

"Oh yeah that... that is great?" I faked a smile and walked into the dining room.  The room was full of takeout food that my uncle had so conveniently lad into some of our home dishes. He couldn't cook for his life, and neither could I.

"So how are you in school Rosemary." I stilled a bit, as Mrs. Knight asked

"Please call me Rory and, I'm an honors student. So id say I'm pretty good at the academics in my school, my Uncle's the principle you know, so I get away with a lot of stuff."

The table erupted in polite laughter, as I passed the rice to Mikai after he asked for it. He touched my hand and I started to get hot. His skin so smooth and silky it shot me a warm feeling then it grew into waves of heat vibrating through my body my face flushed as he stared at me with intense eyes. We heard a cough come from my Uncle I guess he notice the way Mikai was looking at me. It was weird seeing him all defensive, he never had to be defensive before.

The rest of dinner had flowed uneventfully. Mikai and I stole some glances here and there, but we couldn't talk not in front of his parents and my Uncle. And I am feeling woozy from my telepathic adventure before. The parents went into the living room while I gave Mikai a tour.

"So, this is the bathroom I use." I said awkwardly, he just gave me an amused expression. I just kept on moving. I shook my head, I'm so weird! I walked down the hall stopping to show him some of the other rooms.

"There's the pla-." Mikai cut me off.

"Are you not going to show me your room?" he asked as we passed my door. It was marked with purple letters Rory; he didn't wait for an answer and opened the door. I stepped in front of him.

"That's private territory, I think I'm going to have to get to know you better to let you

in." I said.

He took a step closer now our faces were only a few inches apart; he starred deeply into my eyes. "What would you like to know." His sweet breathe rolled across my face as he leaned his head in to my neck; he nuzzled me and my breath hitched. What was he doing? I shoved him, running away to the game room. I sat on the swing chair starring off into space, trying to get my racing heart to a normal rate. I've never felt this way. He walked in slowly with his hands up.

"I come in peace." He said, cracking a smile I rolled my eyes. God I couldn't help to love that boyish charm.

"I love you too." He said,

"Ok that just weird, I know we're supposed to be soul mates, and all that but can you ease up on the lovely dovey stuff. I still don't know you, but I want to." I said in a soft voice, not meeting his eyes. He walked up to me and kneeled at my feet.

"I'll vow until you remember, I'll won't speak of love, even though I feel it, for now and forever." He replied.

"Why can you remember and I can't?" I asked.

"Well in our passed life you died after me, usually who ever died first is born first. That's why I'm 18 and your 17."

"I bet by your birthday you'll remember. I really hope you do, you would know how it feels to be immortal." He smiled at me his Blue eyes shining. Immortal! Immortal!

"We're Immortals? How can that be possible." I said my mind running wild in fantasies, were we like Twilight Immortal or Geek God Immortal.

He chuckled a bit. "Neither love, we're Egyptian Immortal, I guess you would say." What the Hell!

"Obviously, I'm going to have to fill you in."

"Yeah that'd be nice." 


that;s all i got so far. hope you like that, so... COMMENT<VOTE>FAN :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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