You can lead a horse to water...

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  Leon limped out of the room, Hiro held him up gently and he shuddered. 

    "You're all kinds of effed up man, I... How are you even alive?" To that Leon shrugged, he didn't know why he was still here, he just was. The two of them slowly hobbled through the halls and stopped at the stairs. "Well fuck, how are we gonna get ya down there?" Leon shrugged again and Hiro sighed. "I can uh... carry you I guess?"


    Hiro set him down with an "Oomf-" and stopped to breathe for a second while Leon stifled a breathy laugh. "How about you walk down the rest of the stairs huh?" Hiro half joked, Leon shut up fast, he was not interested in taking another 1,000 blows down a staircase.

    Finally the endless amounts of stairs ceased. Five floors with a break in between each, it had taken them a good 15 minutes or so just to get down. Now came the hard part, facing the others. Leon assumed they would not be too happy to see him, especially when he's  in such rough shape, and that they would simply have him executed again. He deserved it too, at least in his mind.

     "That's right, you deserved it." Oh go away Sayaka, I don't need you taunting me right now. Hiro will think I'm fuckin nuts. "You are nuts." ... Shit I mean... yeah but-

      "You good man? Yer spacin out a lil." Hiro waved a hand in front of Leon's face and Leon practically jumped out of his skin. After catching his breath for a moment he nodded, and so they ventured on into the cafeteria where the other's were not-so patiently waiting. "You will never guess what I found." Hiro blocked Leon from the others, "Go ahead, guess!"

    "J-Just sh-hut up and tell u-us." 

    "For once I agree with her- ACk get off me!"

    "Cmon Hiro! Tellll usssss"


     "So what did you find?"

     "I found Leon!"

     "... What?"

(Sorry for the mega short chapter, next one will be longer I promise)

Leon LivedWhere stories live. Discover now