Chapter 6: Something Sus

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Rider decided that it would be best to take a walk to clear his head. It was still fall in Inkopolsis and the side walk was where the trees littered their beautiful vibrant reds, golden yellows, and crisp browns. The sun was not up yet, but the sky was turning a light purple blue. As Rider walked the colors of fall crunched under each step. He kept thinking about that nightmare. He couldn't stop thinking about it. It felt real to him, too real.

Soon he came across a familiar silhouette. On the pier stood the silhouette of Goggles.
"Goggles.... you know you're not supposed to be out there at night." Rider called.
No answer.
"HEY IDIOT IM TALKING TO YOU!!!" Rider snapped.
Still no answer.
Rider growled and marched up to him, "ALRIGHT THAT IT GOGGLES!!! YOU'RE-" he finally saw the figure.
They wore Pilot goggles, a Zink Layered LS, and purple Hi-Horses. Rider took several steps back.
"Y-you're not goggles!" Rider said in fear.

The impostor wacks Rider with their Octoshot. Since Rider was already weakened by his injury, he was instantly knocked out cold.

Meanwhile, Skull visited Vintage at the hospital again. This time, Aloha had joined him.
"Hey dude, we brought you a get well basket, my idea," Aloha said happily.
"I put cinnamon candies in there for you, I know you like spicy foods so I figured I'd give you some spicy candies...." Skull said.
Vintage coughed a bit before sneaking, "Thanks guys...."
"How long will you be here for?" Aloha asked.
"Well the doctors have said that I don't have any damaged vitals, though the wounds are deep enough to have me in hospital until they can safely remove the staples" Vintage said.
"Wait they stapled you??" Skull asked.
"Yes, they do that when the wound is too big to stitch back together," Vintage said.
"Wait does that mean they sew the wound closed?"
"Oh my cod, Skull- !" Aloha sighed, "Yes, and as scary as it sounds, they put you to sleep before they do that."
"Is it fabric thread and stapes ment for paper?"
"ENOUGH!!" Vintage shouted, "I don't wanna talk any more about shapes and stitches."
The room was silent for a few minutes then Skull said, "I know why Staples is called Staples but have you ever wondered why Dick's Sports Goods is called-"
"But I wasn't talking about-"
The nurse walks in and in forms them that visiting hours are over and that Vintage needs rest.

Later on, Rider soon woke up in a warehouse.
"Ugh.... where am i.... is this, Walleye Warehou-"
There was a clanging noise, like metal got knocked over in the distance.
"Hello?" Rider called out.
He struggled with the ropes that held him down.
Something slithered into hiding.
"I can still see you... come on out and untie me!"
It poked its head out. It was the impostor.
Rider tried to talk to it like you would a little kid, "he there little buddy. Can you tell me why you have me tied up like this."

The impostor came out of hiding. Rider gasped in horror. That metal clanging he heard wasn't a knocked over piece of metal, IT WAS THIS THINGS TAIL!!!

 That metal clanging he heard wasn't a knocked over piece of metal, IT WAS THIS THINGS TAIL!!!

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