[14] british girls on bikes

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chapter fourteen: british girls on bikes

Nova felt like she was slowly moving through thick honey

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Nova felt like she was slowly moving through thick honey. She was trapped in this darkness. She couldn't see anything but she could hear bits and pieces. Everything seemed muffled and like she was underwater. But there was one voice that cut through the rest.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, Nove. I should have driven faster. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please just come back to me. I can't live without you, Nove," Five's voice cut through the darkness like a lighthouse beacon.

The girl struggled to move towards his voice but it was like her arms and feet were chained to the ground. It was like fighting against the tide. Her muscles felt like lead. She couldn't move her arms or legs. She couldn't open her eyes.

She could hear the brokenness and the pain in Five's voice and it broke her heart. The girl wanted to go to him. She wanted to take him in her arms and tell him everything was going to be okay. But she couldn't and she knew it was because she was dying.

Suddenly a scene began to form around her. Nova watched in confusion as a forest scene appeared out of the darkness. The weird thing was that everything was in black and white except for her Academy uniform.

"Two of you within twenty-four hours, just my luck," A sarcastic voice with a British accent said. Nova turned and her eyes widened when she saw a girl about her age on a bicycle with flowers in the basket.

"Two of who?" Nova asked the girl confused but the girl just waved her hand dismissively.

"You're not pale like the other one was. He blended in with everyone else here," The girl commented and Nova narrowed her eyes. Her mind was racing trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Where is here?" Nova asked carefully and the girl turned her head to the side as if studying Nova.

"It doesn't really matter. Like I told the other one, you can't stay here," The girl said. "To speak candidly I'm not very fond of any of you."

"Who are you?" Nova asked and the girl waved dismissively again.

"Again it doesn't matter. You better hurry for some reason he wants to talk to you," The girl said nodding to a small shack next to an old water shower.

Nova didn't say anything else she just cautiously walked toward the building. When she walked through the door Nova was surprised when it transformed into a nail salon.

"I see you're struggling with your powers again, Number Eight." A cruel voice said from in front of her because suddenly Sir Reginald Hargreeves appeared.

"Hargreeves?" Nova asked, confused and the old man crossed his arms.

"I am very disappointed in you, Number Eight. I expected you to come and talk to me almost a week ago," Hargreeves said and the girl just gave him a confused look.

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