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"God, he's so weird," you mumble, the four of you watching Alan light a cigarette for the monkey as he talks to it outside the vet. You all decided that the best idea would be to just drop the monkey off at a vet, so you wouldn't be leaving him somewhere to die but you're also not keeping the damn thing. But, of course, Alan has to have a heart-to-heart with the monkey before he leaves it.

"Alan! Come on, let's go!" Phil yells, obviously getting irritated with Alan. But, he continues talking to it.

"As soon as we get Teddy back, we can go to a clinic to fix your arm," Phil says, you still sitting on his lap but laying against his chest instead of frantically hiding to not get shot.

"We don't have any time for that, Phil. Stu's getting married. I'm fine, I told you. It's not even like a real gunshot. The next time there's a first aid kit available, I'll clean and bandage it up. It'll be just fine," you say, trying to convince Phil to let it go. It isn't nearly as severe as his was. Yours is just a little flesh wound on your lower arm. The bullet even just grazed it, not actually having a full hole. Phil sighs, kissing your forehead as you hear the bell to the clinic ring, Alan running towards the car. Stu quickly lets him in, scooting over so Alan can sit in Stu's  previous seat.

"Go, go, go!"


You all stand awkwardly in the same small elevator you'd been in yesterday, Chow pressing the floor number. You lean against the wall, tugging your dress down your thighs as you stare at the back of Chow's head. Honestly, you're just excited for this whole thing to be over. Just get Teddy back, and somehow get back to the resort. You look down at your arm, scrunching up your nose at the grossness of it. You decided to discard the towel for the time being, considering the bleeding slowed down a lot. It still kills like a motherfucker, though. That's for sure.

"If I could save time in a bottle," Chow dramatically sings along with the elevator music, breaking the awkward silence.

"The first thing that I'd like to do, is to save every day 'till eternity passes away, just to spend them with you."

"Are you guys seriously this calm?" Stu asks.

"Relax, Stuart. It's classic switcharoo. I give him money, he gives us Teddy," Chow says.

"You ever do anything that doesn't end in a standoff, Chow?" Phil asks. The poor guy sounds so tired, but you have to admit, his raspy, deep voice is really hot.

"I'm an international criminal, it always ends like this. I met my wife at one of these things," Chow says. Something about Chow having a wife doesn't settle right with you.

"You have a wife?" Stu chuckles.

"Yeah, we been married 15 years. What, Chow not good looking enough for woman?"

"Uh, no. That—that's cool," Stu awkwardly says, the elevator doors dinging open. 

"Let's do this," Chow says, clapping his hands together before leading you all out of the elevator, two women greeting you on the other side.

"Welcome to the tower club," one of them smiles, the both of them bowing their heads down with their hands together.

"Blah, blah, blah, who cares?" Chow asks, waving his hand at them before walking right past them. Phil whispers something to them , probably apologizing.

"Sorry," you mumble, following Phil with Stu trailing behind you. 

"Stop! Chow crossing!" Chow yells as you reach the open area, people looking at him confusedly. You roll your eyes, continuing to follow them up the stairs. You eventually reach the outdoor area on the floor above, two more women bowing their heads at you as you walk out. And of course, Chow, being the dick he is, shakes his head, waving them off again.

the hangover pt II-phil wenneckWhere stories live. Discover now