Chapter 3

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Christine’s POV

  It’s been a day since we’ve arrived at this town and all I’ve learned so far is that it’s small-which I already knew- and that people here are VERY nosey. I’m not surprised though, we did move into a werewolf’s packs territory, and on top of that there is supposedly a gang of vampires here. At least that’s what my twin sister says.

  One of them were caught snooping at the manor by my mother. So, my sister tracked her down to a two story house. She waited there until they finished talking and planning and followed three girls to the town hall. When two girls broke in-the other one kept watch- she followed them in and threatened them to stay out of our business. Apparently they were snooping into our files.

  Even if they did get a good look at our files they wouldn’t find anything. Our file is almost completely empty, all it says is that Dea, mother, has three daughters, Callula, Emileigha, and Sidra, which is me, Echo, and star in that order. In the description it has the word ‘Dove’ and nothing else.

  So I’ve described what has happened since we’ve got here but I guess I should describe what we are, more importantly who we are.  I know, I know, it should be switched around but really it’s more important to know who we are. Let me start with describing what we are. You see this world isn’t what you may think it is. There are creatures out there that not many humans know of. There are werewolves, vampires, shifters, witches, demons, angels and The Fates.

 The thing is the witches have gone into hiding and are almost extinct, demons are trying to take over, and the angels we haven’t heard of since the 1800’s. The Fates are the closest things we have to angels. They are three immortal sisters that have lived since the beginning of time. They are the daughters of a powerful angel and the devil himself. They are the most powerful creatures on earth, but ever since a shifter exposed us to the human world in the 1880’s and The Fates had to erase everyone’s mind, they haven’t had the same amount of power. They will get there full strength back in a few centuries but for right now they have to be careful on how much of their power they use.

  My family and I are vampires. Not the regular vampires that you read about, no, we’re different. We don’t burn whenever we go into the sun, although it does irritate us. We aren’t repelled to garlic. The stake to the heart thing is true though. We don’t have a heartbeat, because we are technically born dead, only the royal family can make it beat whenever they need too.

  We do live forever, well for as long as we can before we get killed by a hunter. If you are born a vampire then you grow until you reach 17-19. If you are turned after you’re 23 then you will just die and not wake up.

  Vampires have the ability to read minds and get into a person’s thought. All vampires get a special power, some get the power to move things with their mind while others get the ability to feel a person’s emotion. We do have heightened senses.

  One thing that the books leave out about vampires is that we get a vampire familiar. A vampire familiar is an animal that is supposed to help a vampire through its life. They die when the vampire dies. Whatever happens to the vampire happens to the familiar. Born vampires find their familiar when they turn 10, while a changed vampire fined them when about a month after they change.

  Now about my family we aren’t some random vampire family. We are the royal family. We, well, my mother and father rule the vampire city, Anges Déchus. It’s not really just a city but more like a small country. We just call it a city because it has a large city surrounded by small villages. 

  The Dove family are a royal family that have lived for centuries. We’re one of the vampire families that can actually have kids. We’re not just regular vampires either, though. Our senses are doubled to regular vampires. We can hide our sent if we need to. Our eyes are the brightest green that you will ever see.

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