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Destiny's POV

"Edward, honey. He's going to attack again and the girls and I need to get out of here." I watch my husband pace the room, every so often looking out the window. Why does he keep doing that?

"I know, I know, but I can't send you by yourself!", he looks up at me worriedly. "And I only trust Tetra for your safety." He nods at Mrs.Tetra, whose standing at the door beside another warrior. She nods stiffly back.

"Then send her with us, but do-" I was cut off by a sound of something exploding and the castle shaking. He's attacking now! He just attacked three hours ago!

Edward yells at the one warrior to sound the battle siren, and then shouts at Tetra to bring the girls down to the cellar. "You and the girls stay in the cellar, until this attack is over, and if you hear soldiers coming down, take the escape route we were talking about.", he starts lightly pushing me towards the door. Somehow I don't believe that this is going to end well, most of our warriors are badly injured. I quickly look back at my husband's slim form, his dark brown hair and eyes to match, and finally how tired he looks. I peck him on the lips and leave the room.

I start running towards the cellar, to find out that the way is blocked by debris. I hear shouting. How am I going to get to the cellar? I quickly look around. Wait, I know where this area is! The wall mirror with the hidden staircase is just a few halls away. I back track and restart my run to the cellar.

Christine's POV

Man, I'm slim. I mean, my green eyes make it a little better but not by much. My light brown hair that goes to my butt hides my ribs but does nothing for my legs. I stand in front of my mirror deciding what to do about my weight. Well, I guess I can't do anything about it, I can eat anything without gaining weight, but then again I am a vampire. I wish I was Echo-my twin sister-she is the perfect size. I should work out mo-.

My train of thought was cut off by a loud moaning noise and the castle shaking. I wonder what is happening. My blue monkey familiar, Jade, climbs onto my shoulder. I start to walk towards the window when Star Tetra suddenly bursts into the room. "We are being attacked, we need to get your sister and get to the cellar." She yells and grabs my hand. "Wait, what about mother?" I ask running behind her. The battle siren starts and Star yells over it, "She's going to meet us there"

We finally reach Echo's room. This happens to be the attic of the castle. She never really liked dresses and reading instead she was more into fighting and weaponry. Star runs right in with me right behind her, but Echo's gone and so is her fighting gear and weapons. Star mutters a swear under her breath. "Do you think she left to fight?" I ask her quietly. She nods quickly, grabs my hand, and we start running again.

Ten minutes of running and we run into the cellar to find mother pacing and her tiger familiar, Zues, pacing beside her. I can tell she's worried. "Where's Echo?" she asks. I look down at the floor then at Star, "we think she left to fight." "WHAT?!?" my mother yells. Star quickly takes over "and that's why I am leaving- to find her", she slowly walks towards the doorway, "lock the door and don't let anyone in", and then my mother and I were left alone staring at the door.

Echo's POV

"Come on, babe, you can't do this to me- to US!" Joseph, my soon to be ex-boyfriend, whines over the phone. I'm really getting pissed at him now. He's hot and all but I know this isn't going to last. "I can do this and I am doing this!" I say trying to keep my voice calm. I get off my bed and walk towards my weapon rack. Why can't he just except that I'm breaking up with him? It's not like we're crazy in love like those stupid love books my sister always reads. I don't get tingles when I touch him, I don't get those crazed feelings that make me want to make out with him all the time, so why can't he accept this? I look at my raven familiar, Nyx, and shake my head making my long dark brown hair swing around me.

"Baby, don't do th-", he didn't get the chance to finish his sentence, because the castle started to shake. What could that be?

I look around my room but don't find anything that could help give me the answer. Real smooth Echo, like looking around your room is gunna give you the answer. I mentally face palm myself. I walk toward the window that faces the back of the castle and see a whole army running towards the castle that has smoke all around it and that's when the battle siren starts. Damn, Darion is attacking again. I run to my closet and put my fighting gear on, with my vampire speed, and strap on my lucky sword, load up on other weapons. Within 5 minutes I'm out my door and running toward the back of the castle.

Once I get to the main floor I have to use my vampire vision just to see through the smoke, and that still doesn't help much. I walk; crouch, through the smoke filled hallways. They must have bombed the back of the castle knowing that we would be guarding the front. Dumb, father thinking they weren't gunna come from another direction. I mentally put up a sticky note telling me to attend the next warrior meeting, even though father won't allow it. I finally reach the spot where they bombed, to find a giant whole that's full of our army fighting against Darion's army, but there are more of our warriors lying on the ground. Well, let's get the fun started. I grin evilly, and un-sheath my sword.

I charge towards the closest soldier. He turns with a shocked face and collapses to the ground. I did that to a few more soldiers until they started to notice me and fought back.

I've killed eight soldiers and I'm now in the middle of the battle ground. Doing the beautiful dance of sword fighting. With my raven familiar right by my side.

From behind I hear a man charge at me and I duck just in time for him to stab the man that was in front of me. The man that was in front looked shocked, then silently collapsed to the ground. The guy with the knife charged again and I use my speed to dodge it. He turns around and I throw a knife at him. It hits him right in the heart.

I turn around to find out that I'm surrounded by, about, ten men. I grin. This is going to be too easy. I shape shift into a dragon. I suck in air and blow fire at all of them. Damn, I'm so glad my biological father was a demon. I look around and notice that almost everyone is staring at me. Good they should be staring, I'm a dragon! I grin again but then I realize they're not staring at me but behind me.

I turn around to find Darion on a white horse. What is he doing here? I can't take him by myself. I turn into a wolf and growl at him in hopes that it'll scare the horse, but hopes were crushed when the horse did nothing. And now I don't have enough time to Change into of anything else. He simply smiles and pulls out a gun. Damn, I'm not fast enough to dodge a bullet in a wolf form and i don't have enough time to shift into anything else. I back up and growl at him louder baring my teeth. "Silly dog" He says and shoots me in the side.

I yelp and fall down to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block out the ringing in my ears. I shift back into my vampire form and try to put pressure onto my side but my hands are going numb. This isn't good. I think I'm bleeding out. I can't die here. I have too much to live for. Black spots are starting to invade my sight. I think Nyx just fell beside me. The darkness is starting take over my body and sight. The last thing I thought was 'Is that Star calling my name?'

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