chapter 6

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What's up? Pewdiecry_4life here!sorry I didn't update yesterday.I had homework.I still do,but,y'know.procrastinating.and so it continues~

Crys pov

I laughed,as nadia panted slightly,trying to make her character climb up the tower of almost naked men."come on!"she yelled at the tv screen,control in hand.we were sat on pewds couch,playing mount your friends on a console,and nadia had 16 seconds left to reach the top."fuck yeah!"she yelled,throwing her hands in the air,as she got to the top with 4 seconds left.

"Damn it!why won't you die?!?" "I'm too pro!"nadia responded to me with a big smile."pewds,your turn." "I got this."pewds said,as he did terribly."30 seconds left,poods,and your still not halfway up."I remarked."shut up!"pewds said,concentrating."you might make it!"I said.just then,he fell all the way back down,and he let out a scream,as time ran out."bullshit!"he yelled,angered slightly.he sighed."I'm gonna go shower anyways,don't make out while I'm gone."pewds said,as he headed upstairs.

I continued playing video games with nadia,and after a few minutes,there was a loud ringing next to me."cry?!"pewds yelled."did I leave my phone down there?"he asked."yup!"I called back to him."could you answer it for me?" He asked."yeah,sure."I called back.nadia paused the game,and I picked up the phone,answering it without looking at who it was.

"Sup?"I said."cry?is that you?hi!"a sweet familiar voice said,which made my blood run cold."m-marzia?"I said,trying not to stutter."hi,cry!I didn't know felix was visiting you!or is it vice versa?" "Vice versa.sorry,pewds is showering right now."I said."oh,that's fine!I'll tell him what I need to tell him another time.oh,and cry?" "Yeah?"I questioned. "Do the right thing." "What?hello?helloo?"I said into the phone,but the other line was dead.

How did she......?

Marzias pov

I sighed,as I packed my stuff.I knew I was leaving early,but with cry there,I had to.he was a threat to me,as selfish as it sounds.I had started getting suspicious when I started haveing the....dreams.

I shook it off,continuing to throw clothes into the suitcase I held.I loved felix,I wanted him to be happy.I just wanted him to be happy with me.I kept this thought in my head,as I put the picture of felix and me in the suitcase.I smiled,liking the thought of me being home with felixs arms around me in just 4 days.for now,I wait.I set the suitcase down,and get on the bed that I had been sleeping on for the last couple days.I drifted into slumber with a small smile on my face.

Nadias pov

"Cry!"pewds yelled from upstairs."y-yeah?"cry stuttered."who was it?"pewds called down,and I could see the panic on crys face"it was...."he hesitated."it was marzia."he finally said.I became stiff,and I heard pewds run down the stairs,appearing in blue pajama pants and a brofist shirt."what did she say?!"pewds said excitedly."she said she'd just call you later to tell you..."cry said."I should probaly call her back!"pewds yelped giddily,before grabbing his phone and running back upstairs.

I looked at cry,and he slowly slid off his mask,which caught me off guard,before he let it fall to the ground."cry!!your mask!"I said,eyes widening."what the point?"he said,and I saw how broken he was.he looked at me,his eyes,that were speckled with blue and a tinge of grey,were full of pain,anger and misery,as tears streamed rapidly down his face."I'm an idiot,aren't I?"he said,smiling sadly.

"I actually thought he liked me for a little stupid of me."he said,as broken sobs tore through him."how stupid of me!"he said a bit louder,and I pulled him in for a hug."I actually thought we could be together,that he liked me enough to leave marzia,that we could be happy."he sobbed into my shoulder."how stupid I was.that only happens in fairytales,this is real life,where he has a perfect,sweet,beautiful,loving that'd he never leave for me..."

I rubbed soothing circles on his back,as his cries started to calm down."your not stupid."I whispered to him."what?" "Your not stupid."I said,louder."what do you mean?of course I am!I'm just another friend to him,and I thought there could be more,but I'm stupid."he whimpered.I pulled away,holding onto his shoulders,as I looked him straight in the eye."cry,you are anything but're're funny,nice,and lovable!you're an extravagent friend,who came here just to keep his friend're stupendous!and if pewds can't see that,maybe he's the stupid one!"I rambled on,and cry gave a weak smile,more tears streaming down his face,before he kept hugging me.

"T-thank you."he said through small sobs.I patted his back."no problem.........."


So,pewds must of been on the phone for a long time,cause he never came back it weird that marzia had the same dreams as them?I think not!see ya later!!!

     More to come......

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