Chapter 5

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I have been walking around for a couple of days and I have not found anything. I am not any closer than I was when I first came back to Cybertron. I did talk to my friends, especially Scorch. I walked to a bridge, looking down. I was alone, and I felt worse than when I left Earth. I sat at the edge as I began to ponder why I was alive.
“Your name is Hotshot, right?” a voice asked. I stood up as I looked around. I could not find anyone until I looked a little bit up by the edge of the bridge. On one of the bars on the bridge was a large, shadowy figure. The person was definitely well built and a fighter. I could not see their faces, as they were hidden in cloaks, but I could tell that their voice is male.
“Are you Optimus’ sibling?” I ask them. They simply jumped down before nodding.
“And are you Hotshot?” the boy asked once again. I nodded my head. They walked up right in front of me before stopping again. To say that I was intimidated was an understatement. This person was scary. “You know that everyone back on Earth is worried about you. But I have a feeling that you left because something happened and you are slowly losing your mind.”
“What makes you say that?” I gulped. 
“For starters, you're afraid of me. I scare you because I am bigger than you and older. It was just the way that you looked at Heatwave. You were scared of him,” he told me. I guess that Optimus’ sibling was a he. “Second of all, I can see how broken you are. You have taken beatdowns from your fellow recruits that you're egotistical and all that and that Heatwave and the other professors mainly blame you for things. And then there are your parents. I know you are an orphan, I know all of the orphans on Cybertron, and that does not exclude you.”
“Okay. So what are you going to do, return me to Earth? I spent days looking for you,” I questioned the bot.
“No. I am taking you to where I live and to where I take care of orphans who are under my care,” he informed me as he walked past me. “When it turns midnight here on Cybertron, go to the mall. I will be sending someone to take you there. You will not see me for while, as I have places to be. See you soon, young one.”

“Can I have your…” I started to ask but the bot disappeared from my sight in a second. I sighed in frustration. “Name. Well, I guess I am going to the mall.”

Timeskip brought to you by Hotshot being the best recruit he can be.

    Ten minutes till midnight and very few people are here. The main places that are opened are restaurants that serve energon based on human foods. It was quite interesting, but I was not a big fan. I was sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop, looking around for the bot that would take me to this place that Optimus’ sibling wanted me to go to. Two minutes before midnight, a femme walked up to me, sitting down across from me at the table I was at.
“Let me guess. Your Hotshot?” The femme asked. I nodded my head. “Optimus’ sibling told me that I will find you here. Come on. I’ll show you the way.”

“Can I have your name first?” I asked her as we got up and walked away from the mall.
"Call me Firefrost. I run the place that Optimus’ sibling founded because they are rarely there, but they do come and help,” she informed me.

“Is Optimus’ sibling a femme or mech? Because most people think they are a guy, but I am not entirely sure,” I asked Firefrost.
“You are the first person to ask me that question. I cannot give you a complete answer, but I can tell you that they would be somewhere in between,” she told me. “So you are a rescue recruit?”
“Yes I am. What do you want to know?” I asked.
“How are Bee and Ratchet doing? I have not seen them since the war was over,” she asked. I was not going to ask her about her age.
“They were doing great last time I checked,” I informed her as we entered Decepticon territory. I began to get nervous because last time I was here, I was jumped by a bunch of Decepticons. “Why are we here in Decepticon territory?”
“Because the place is here. Don’t worry Hotshot, no Decepticon will hurt us as long as I am here. Many of them are weary of me,” she informed me as we walked up to a dead end corner. We stopped at the end of the alleyway.
“Why are we stopped?” I asked her. She raised her hand up, silencing me. She put her hand back down once I shutted up.
“Firefrost is a dumbass idiot,” she spoke out loud to absolutetly no one. I was looking at her puzzled until the wall in front of us opened. We entered to see a large area with a bunch of people running around. “Welcome to the Lost and the Outcasts. It’s not a creative name, but it was the best we could come up with.”

“So this entire area is,” I started before she continued.

“This entire area is dedicated to helping orphans or outcasts get loving homes, or picking themselves back up before they go back out again,” she finished, walking towards the building in the center. “Come, Hotshot. Let’s get you registered.”
“Okie dokey,” I said, following here to the building, curious to what lies ahead.

A/N: Question for y'all. Why do you read this story? It is extremely crappy and poorly written. I don't know, but this is not the greatest story that I have written. I am still going to write it, since you weird people seem to like it.

Peace out peeps

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