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The two stared each other in the eyes. The soft smile Fitz gave Jemma made her knees feel week; his heart fluttered when he saw her glowing eyes.

Jemma looked down at the letter in her hand and waved it in the air. "This is for you."

Fitz walked closer to her. "And this," he held his letter out in front of him, "for your." They exchanged their letter and just stood there. They were enjoying each others presence, they were enjoying the calm before the storm.

"I'll meet you here at, say, 9:30?," she asked.

"Sound great!," he replied.

"Ok, well goodnight Fitz." She strode over to him, gave his a kiss on his cheek, and walked out of the lab. 

As soon as he knew she was gone, Fitz let out a huge breath of air he hadn't even realized he was holding in. His hand rose up to touch his cheek subconsciously. He looked at her letter in his hands. In her neat handwriting, she had put his name on the front of the letter. 'Should I read it in here, or in my bunk?,' he wondered. He looked up at the cameras on the wall. 'No one can see me in my bunk. I'll go there.' He picked up his cup of cold tea he made earlier that day, and made his way to his bunk.

This chapter was super short! I can't tell u when the next part wil be up. It might be tonight or sometime this week.

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