Chapter 1

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The bell rings and I hurry to put my ear buds in before making my way to my next class, I usually don't play music I just don't like to socialize in the hallway, it's kinda a waste of time, but somedays like today I actually do play my music usually it's either like Ed sheeran or 1975, Sam smith you know the basic stuff, but the killers are still my absolute favorite, nobody usually knows who they are but I just get so lost in their music. I'm sitting in last period of the day 8th, and also the period of the day, it's chemistry. I sit in the back with my best friend Madison, I love her to death but god does this girl make my green little monster itch. She's absolute gorgeous, athletic, smart, and we can never go any where with out guys stopping to look at her. It's second semester of junior year and I'm just ready to be a senior and go off to a new town meet new people, it's all just so boring now, that was until the tall shaggy haired blonde boy walked through the door.

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