The beginning

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I may be a Palestinian, but I grew up in Algeria with my mother's side. She has relatives in Syria as well, because she is half Syrian, with a Moroccan blood as well, nahh never mind about our complicated family tree, it will just give you migraine if you trace it because we are already mixed blood, my hair is blonde, my eyes are brown, but it becomes blue in the sunlight, they said, I look like a living doll and a goddess from mythologies, but nahh never mind about it hhhh. As of this time, I've been studying medicine at Harvard, ever since I've learned about my people's suffering from Israel, I want to help them, I take advantage of my parents' wealth so I can help my beloved Palestine, and hope that through this way, I can able to free them from oppression.

I will do it for them, for those children who are now experiencing hardship. Our class is done, and I'm on my way home, looking out throught the window from the taxi I'm riding on, I can't imagine how my people is suffering right now, even though I live a good life here across our country, I still think of my people, the Palestinians under the occupation of the Jews. Even when I reach home, after I study, I check on Palestine, the Palestinian, they give me strength and courage to finish my degree, so one day, I can finally help them.

As usual, I have the same routine everyday, school, home, school, home, my father himself encourages me to have fun sometimes because I'm stressing out myself because I'm so fucos in my studies, but I told my father about my dreams and ambition, especially for our people, which makes my father sometimes shed a tears in his eyes, for he himself is aware of what is happening in Palestine. He said if he only had the capability to free Palestine, he already did, but the whole world doesn't care, and almost they ignore the suffering of the Palestinians. We are just ordinary people, powerless, helpless, if only I have the strength and power to do so, I already fight Israel, and free my people, but I'm just an ordinary girl, an ordinary Algerian Palestinian girl, nothing I could do, but hoping for my prayer to be granted, and heaven will send a miracle to free my people.

(This scene's background music)

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