Characters Thus Far

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Samantha Stark
Age: 17-18
Weapons: her powers mostly

Jake Koaland
Age: Unknown
Weapons: enhanced senses, super adaptivity, throwing knives.
Backstory: Jake and his "sister" Tracey were abducted by Hydra and experimented on, Tracey with cat DNA and him with Chameleon like DNA making him super Adaptive to his surroundings.

Backstory: Jake and his "sister" Tracey were abducted by Hydra and experimented on, Tracey with cat DNA and him with Chameleon like DNA making him super Adaptive to his surroundings

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This is Jake

Tracey Montgomery
Age: 17
Weapons: the ability to turn into a feline at will.
Backstory: she was abducted from her home by Hydra, she is Irish with a tendancy to be very dramatic. Jake saved her.

 Jake saved her

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This is her

Harper Goldman
Weapons: he uses a bow with arrows and a sword.
Backstory: after watching his mother be eaten by the undead he went looking for his father, which he did at Eastwood, he isnt the biggest fan of his father but he will do what it takes.

Backstory: after watching his mother be eaten by the undead he went looking for his father, which he did at Eastwood, he isnt the biggest fan of his father but he will do what it takes

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This is Harper.

Peter Parker
Weapons: his spider senses and his wicked fighting skills.
We all know what Tom Holland looks like.

Tristyn Strange
Weapons: her powers, hand gun that is barely used. Her enchanted green cloak from her father.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now