The Lone Star Adventures Part 18

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   The next morning as we entered the gym, it was business as usual. We went in to get everything opened up for people to come in and use the gym, and just like the day before, Brian, Brett, and Eric came in at about quarter after eight to visit. I got hugs from all three guys, but when Eric hugged me, I noticed that his lasted a little longer than Brian's or Brett's did, not that I didn't get a good one from them.

   Bear and Andy were checking equipment, when I noticed Eric walk up to them and motion for them to follow him, then they disappeared into the office in the back of the gym, while Brian and Brett hit the weights to do a workout. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but my curiosity was really getting the better of me, so I crept up to the door where I saw Eric, Bear, and Andy go in, then I listened to see if I could hear anything, and this is what I heard.

   Eric: I have something to tell you guys, but you have to promise me you won't say anything.

   Bear: What is it?

   Eric: I really like your friend Mike, he's really cute, and a really sweet guy.

   Andy: Why can't we tell him? Better yet, why haven't you told him you like him?

   Eric: Well, what if I tell him, and he doesn't like me?

   Bear: Eric, trust me, Mike wouldn't even talk to you if he didn't like you, and the fact that he stopped you at the club the other night to try to get your info from you, I think that means he likes you too, but may just be too shy to tell you.

   Eric: So what do I do?

   Bear: Just go out there and talk to him, tell him how you feel!

   Eric: You think that'll work?

   Bear: Doesn't hurt to try. The worst he can do is say no.

   At that time, I heard them coming toward the door, so I bolted back to where I was standing, getting to my spot just in time before they all came out of the office. Eric walked up to me, smiling at me, even though I already knew what he was going to ask me, I tried to pretend I had no idea.

   "Can we go someplace private to talk?" Eric asked.

   "Sure." I replied, following Eric to the very same office he just came out of.

   Once we got in the office, Eric quietly closed the door so we could have privacy. Then we both sat down at a table that was in the middle of the room. As he sat down in the chair to my right, he looked into my eyes, then took my hand in his, a warm smile crossing his face, then he began to speak.

   "Mike, I know this is going to come out of nowhere, but ever since we met at the club, I've really gotten to like you quite a bit." Eric began, "I haven't met anyone like you since my late boyfriend, who passed away three months ago, he was a smaller guy like you are, and I miss him terribly."

   I interjected, "Can I tell you something Eric?"

   "You can t.ell me whatever your heart desires Mike." Eric answered, still holding my hand.

   "I really like you too." I replied. "But my problem was, I thought you wouldn't go for a guy like me. I thought if I asked you out, you'd actually tell me you had a boyfriend already."

   "I would never do that to you Mike. I don't do things like that to people, and like I did with you just now, if I like someone, I tell them, and I like you a lot." Eric said.

   "Can we give a relationship a try?" I asked.

   "I'd really like that Mike, I'd like that more than you know." Eric answered.

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