Welcome to the Family

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Pounding feet, rushing breath. Breathe in, then out. Water slowly dripped from the corners of the room to the tarnished concrete of the floor, mocking the hunched over shadow in the middle of the room. The person said indian style on the floor, wrists bound tightly with chains that have long since rusted. The person raised her head, staring intensely at the door in front of her. Once honey brown hair was now greasy and matted to her face, her lips red from chewing them. They thought.........they thought she had no light left inside her, green eyes becoming dull. She was a beacon of light, emitting her thoughts loud and clear when someone stood behind the glass on the far wall, evaluating her every move and breath. The dark green eyes stared intensely at the door in front of her as the hinges groaned and the door was pushed open. A man stood at 6' 3", in a blood red sit with a tie that would make the night look vibrant. Raven black hair was combed professionally, a playful, yet purposeful, smirk plastered itself to his face, cleaned shaved. His dark brown eyes trained on the woman sitting in the middle of the floor. "Oh my dear, you haven't aged a single day." He said softly, voice deep. "Jones," The woman said, standing, walking forward slightly, then stopping. "If you want to survive, I suggest you leave." Her voice sliced through anything the two had before, if sending her to this place in the first place didn't seal the deal. "Well, Marion, I heard you had a child!" He paced in front of her mockingly and she growled underneath her breath. "Well where's the bloody sucker? What's it's name?" Marion tried hard to step forward defensively, but the chains kept their hold on her wrists, stopping her from punching Jones. "You have no ri-" He cut her off. "Oh but my dear, isn't it my child as well?" Marion clicked her jaw down, visibly becoming ragged. "That's perfect." She laughed, confusing Jones. "Good thing you'll never be able to see her. That's what will sting the most!" She yelled, practically foaming at the mouth. Jones laughed, a deep throaty sound that struck some kind of felling into Marion's body. "We'll see, my beauty." He turned, walking out, dropping a lighter to the floor as the room suddenly went up in flames. He smiled wickedly at Marion as she thrashed against the chains. "We'll see." The door closed and Marion was swallowed by the flames.

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