Chapter One

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She didn't believe in magic. But when she was him, it seemed only as if magic was happening before her eyes. One thing after another would happen without her least expecting it, and that made Cara Reed wonder.

"Oh my gosh, stop." Cara giggles as her boyfriend gently kisses her neck.

"Babe, I said stop." she says again as she bites her lip.

"Why should I stop if you like it so much, huh?" Nathan mumbles under his breath as he squeezes her butt.

"Okay, Nathan." she pushes him off of her.

There's an awkward silence. He looks disappointed at the quick set of judgement Cara had on his plans.

"Look babe, I'm sorry. It's just the stress of everything. The huge cheer competition coming up, me having to pack everything up, me having to move across the country. It's too much." She says looking down in disappointment.

"Hey baby, it's okay. I completely understand. Don't stress about it." He gets up and starts to rub Cara's shoulders.

She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths.

"Everything's going to be okay." Nathan mumbles as he starts to kiss her neck again.

Cara takes in everything. The sensation from Nathan's kisses on her neck, to the stillness in the room. She turns her head slightly so she can find his lips. She finds them and gently kisses them. By now Nathan is sitting down and Cara is straddling him.

"I love you so much." Nathan whispers into Cara's ear.

The vibrations from his voice caused goosebumps to form down her back.

"I love you too." She whispers back as she kisses him some more.

By now some clothing has been removed and things have gotten heavy. The still air was filled by the quickness of their breath.

As Cara reaches down to unbutton Nathan's pants, her bedroom door swings open.

"Honey, I'm running to the sto-" Cara's mother enters the room and quietly steps back out.

"Oh my. Um honey I'm going to the store, do you need anything?" Her mother asks from outside the door.

Cara is quickly scrambling for her shirt.

"No, mom, I don't think I need anything. Thanks." Cara calls out.

"Okay, love you honey. Hi, Nathan!" Mrs. Reed calls out as she walks down the upstairs hallway.

"Hi!" He yells back.

"Well wasn't that just awkward." He laughs nervously.

"Oh stop it. That isn't the first time that's happened before." Cara responds back giggling, as she playfully slaps his bare chest.

Nathan looks at her hand on his chest and looks up at her. He smiles, his genuine, perfect smile. The smile that won over Cara's heart.

She smiles back at him, waiting for him to say something.

"What?" Cara asks as she observes his lucid green eyes staring upon her.

"Nothing. It's just you're so absolutely beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of you Cara." Nathan half whispers while holding eye contact.

Her messy, long hair, was all over the place. The oversized t-shirt she wore hungover her left shoulder, exposing her bare collarbone. Nathan takes his finger and gently traces over it.

Nathan can see the love bite he left on the soft tan skin of her neck and smirks.

"I love you so much Cara Grace Marie Reed." Nathan states aloud with a proud smile.

Cara's carmel brown eyes sparkle with lust as she hears these words escape his mouth.

"Oh Nathan. You treat me so well." She mumbles as she goes in to kiss him.

After their passionate kiss Nathan starts to gather his things together.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I have to go to practice. Coach is making us run drills and he would be pissed if I missed." Nathan exclaims sadly.

Cara grabs his hand and puts on her pouty face.

"I don't want you to go babe."

"Yeah, I know. But the team needs me. With the homecoming game coming up, we need to be in tip top shape and beat damn Wisco. You know they're our biggest rival." Nathan says annoyed.

"Yeah, I know. Well good luck dear. Just don't wear yourself out, okay?" Cara exclaims with a worried tone.

"Okay. I promise." He replies with a kiss to her forehead.

He gets up and puts on his shoes.

As he heads for the door, Cara starts to speak.

"Text me after practice please?" She says with her puppy dog face.

He smiles.

"Of course. Love you." He says as he walks out her bedroom door.

She mumbles "I love you too." even though she knows he cannot hear her.

Cara lays down on her bed and grabs her phone. She looks at her lockscreen which is a picture of Nathan and her on their first date. She smiles to herself wondering how lucky she could ever be, to have such an amazing guy in her life.

She sets her phone on her nightstand and curls up under the blankets on her bed, thinking about how happy she was with her life for the very first time. It was an amazing feeling that she couldn't get over. And it was all because of one special guy that knew his way to her heart.

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