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I opened my eyes, blinking several times to get used to the bright light. "Wh..where am I?" I murmured, my eyes slowly adjusting to my surroundings. A familiar beep made me jolt up and I saw an astromech droid watching me. 

"Artoo?" I said in a daze. The droid beeped happily at it's name. I shook my head. First I saw Obi-Wan and Yoda, now Artoo-Deetoo, my favorite droid ever. 

"Beep. Beep bo BOOP." Artoo beeped, rolling over towards me. 

"I'm sorry, I don't speak droid." I said sadly. "It sounds easy to understand." 

"What Artoo is asking, is that there's someone at the doorway that would like to know who you are." A even more familiar voice said rather sassily. 

I looked over and saw one of my favorite Star Wars characters indeed standing at the doorway, leaning casually against it. "Hello there," I said pleasantly. 

Obi-Wan's lips curled into a smile. "Olivia, hello to you too." Wait, how did he know--wait. 

"You're mind reading me, aren't  you." I accused, narrowing my eyes. 

"No, you just look like an Olivia to me." He sassed. "What do you think?" 

"Careful, Obi-Wan." I warned. "Too much sass will turn you to the sass side of the Force." 

He chuckled. "Oh, I like you. Do you mind answering some questions?" 

"Is it for the Council?" I sighed. 

Obi-Wan clapped. "Good job, you got that correct." he said, folding his arms into his robes. "Yes, they're from the council." 

"Fire away." I leaned back into my pillows, absolutely not minding the look the Jedi gave me when he saw what my shirt read. 'Nerf-herder', it said. And only that. 

"Full name." Obi-Wan sat down on a chair, a notebook poised at the ready with an absolutely hilarious expression on his face. 

"Olivia Starling." I said, trying my best not to laugh. 

"Age?" He continued to make that face. 

"16, going into 17 in a few months." I sniggered and Obi-Wan's smile appeared. 

"Got any family members?" He asked. 

"A cousin named Lucas, my aunt and uncle. Parents died when I was young, not even a month old." I said. "I don't remember them. Although rumors went around that my dad killed my mum while trying to evade his best friend that had found out he sided with the wrong people in a argument that started a mini civil war." 

"I'm sorry." Obi-Wan's smile dropped. "I didn't know." he murmured. 

"Not many do and not many care." I waved my hand in a dismissive gesture. "Next." 

"What planet are you from?" 

"Earth, Milky Way galaxy." I said.

His eyebrows raised. "Earth? Never heard of it." 

"Outer rim, not well known." I rushed.

"Ah. What master do you serve?" Obi-Wan smirked and I knew he got that from my head. 

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, Jesus?" I asked rather sarcastically. He laughed. 

"Good response." He smiled. "I don't have any others to ask you. I'll be giving this report to the Council." 

"Okay." I sighed. "What's next?" 

"I have someone I think you'd like to meet." Obi-Wan smiled mysteriously. "Come on." 

I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up wobbly. Almost instantly, Artoo was there for support me. He beeped at me encouragingly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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