.08 Irresistible

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Laying back on the couch, my eyes flutter shut as I suffer from borderline exhaustion. After neglecting my home work for a while, it'd come back to bite as I had gather a rather impressive pile of worksheets, and topics for papers that had been waiting to be written. I'd worked hard and gotten through the majority of it except for something's that the deadline was still a while away.

At this point I was ready to just pass out even though Aleks had texted me saying him and Eddie were on their way over. I couldn't hardly care less though as Id rather take a nap and face the wrath of Aleks when he finds out I feel asleep then go with out at least a thirty minute nap. Slowly the music I had been playing lulls me to sleep, everything fading away as I fall asleep to a majestical voice that was none other than Patrick Stumps.

"Seriously, she's asleep.", Aleks mutters sounding rather upset. Wow what a great thing to wake up to...

"Let her sleep looks like she's been working hard.", Eddie says. I smile a bit at the fact he was some what standing up for me. The couch dips near my feet and slowly the smile fades away, nervousness growing inside of me. A hand rests on my leg and I resist the urge to flinch keeping my eyes shut.

"Sleep well babe.", Aleks soft voice coos. Slowly sleep begins to over take me again to the sound of Aleks soft, momentary, humming then Aleks and Eddies soft speaking and the sound of Fall Out Boy in the back ground. All the soft noises provide a comfort of sorts, and then I'm out again.


My eyes flutter open and I stretch a bit while attempting to sit up. When I finally manage to lean up on my elbows, I realize there were eyes on me and blush noticing both Aleks and Eddie were looking at me. I sit up to rest of the way and run a hand through my dark hair, ruffling it slightly-something I knew Aleks loved.

"Hey sleeping beauty.", Aleks says leaning over and capturing my lips in a kiss. I sit there unresponsive earning a grumble from him. I ignore it though looking over at Eddie who was shaking his head in disapproval. Reaching over, I grasp a pillow and send it hurtling straight at his head. Eddie glasses fall crooked and he laughs his ever so infectious laugh, causing me to laugh as well.

"Ouch.", he says flatly before tossing the pillow back my way. Thankfully I catch it and place it back into its original position next to the arm of the couch before leaning against Aleks arm. He looks a me a bit surprised by the bold move but I ignore it, making myself comfortable.

"Hey asshole.", I finally reply to his previous comment before Eddie and I had begun launching pillows at each other. I notice the way he face twists up ever so slightly, showing pain. Eddie looks shocked at my bold statement but recollects himself quickly unlike Aleks who sit there, mouth agape, and still in shock.

"You okay there handsome?", I coo leaning up to kiss his cheek. Slowly Aleks mouth closes but he still looks at me in shock completely ignoring the compliment. That's how it felt though the insult and pain out weighed all the happy and compliments one could give. It how it always was for me, glad to know he too has feelings that process it the same way.

"Fine you okay honey?", he asks. There was something slightly off about it though, the way it came out as more of a hiss.

"Just fine Aleksandr.", I reply, my tone hard. Aleks fingers slip in between mine as he stands up; pulling me with him as he does so.

"I need to talk with Nay.", Aleks states before dragging me to the kitchen before Eddie can object or even respond. I lean back against the counter and cross my arms over my chest trying to be intimating, a little pissed he'd called me by that horrid nickname. Aleks looks at me then rolls his eyes, not at all impressed.

"Stop trying to be intimating, it doesn't work for you."

"Coming from you.", I snort rolling my eyes. The next thing I know my back is flat against the fridge, and Aleks is keeping me pinned there, his arms resting on either side of my head. I narrow my eyes as he looks slightly amused.

"I'm more intimating that you could ever hope to be.", he hisses. I shake my head and he presses himself closer to me, pushing me even closer to the fridge.

"Youre just out to break the rules are you?", he inquires looking rather intrigued.

"Damn right I am. Rules were meant to be broken Aleksandr.", I smirk as his face falls a bit, he was crumbling, losing all hope.

"Listen I didn't want to hurt you, it was a mistake okay?", he confesses but I don't believe a single word of it. Aleks almost looks desperate to believe him and I'm a bit taken back to see him falling apart in front of me. Never had I really seen him deteriorate at such a rapid pace about anything, only for this, for me.

"Yeah it was a mistake but guess what I don't care."

"You do obviously. You're out to hurt me...and it's working.", he says, mumbling out the last part. My smirk grows a little wider as I look at his soft brown eyes all factors of intimidation stripped away leaving a vulnerable Aleks in front of me.

"You love it though don't you?", I ask kissing him softly before slipping under his arm. As I walk back to the living room I glance back at Aleks to see him leaning his head on the fridge obviously upset. I brush it off though going to the couch and collapsing back down onto it. Eddie looks perplexed and also curious as he waits for an explanation that I wasn't willing to give at the moment.

"Everything okay?", he asks slowly.

"Fine.", I confirm, nodding. Aleks walks back in after a few minutes taking his original spot on the couch next to me still looking troubled. Feeling a little sadden at the hurt puppy look on his face I lean against him again, inviting him to wrap his arm around me. Aleks ignores it though instead talking to Eddie and completely ignoring my presence.

I let out a small sigh the move closer to him trying to get his attention. Aleks resists though still hurt by everything Id said. Deciding to take extreme measures, I move to straddle aleks' lap which recieves two very surprised looks. Aleks hands settle onto my waist by force of habit I'm guessing by the way his mouth was agape. I lean in close to whisper in his ear making him full nervously.

"I still love you even if you did hurt me, so much. This isn't for revenge.", I whisper. It was partially true, I did still have feelings for him, how could I not especially when he'd been so soft and mushy toward me. Aleks looks at me in disbelief but i kiss him softly hoping it'd do the trick because even though I had feelings for him, I certainly didn't love him and it was solely for revenge.

I have mucho inspiration so yee.
I might go work on another short chapter for a different story now then draw but idk, we'll see.
Enjoy and tell me what you think of the more soft and vulnerable Aleks. I'm curious to know what you guys think.

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