Our Pride Vacation

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Kalau yang ini dibuat akibat tugas descriptive and narrative essay writing dari dosen. Ceritanya disuruh buat cerita soal unforgetable vacation. Tapi ini dibuat dengan sedikit campuran cerita lain :-)

All of my friends were gathering in front of my home. We were waiting for the car which would carry us to Tulungagung. That was the second time I went there. We would join Province sports competition and spent our time to have vacation there. We left Bojonegoro two days before the competition to prepare our mental and refresh our mind. We would go to a beach there before we started our competition

"Are you ready guys?" David said

"Yeah, we are ready to take a trip. Yeay !" I said

David was one of my friends who joined the competition and he was in love with my friend too, her name was Pratiwi. When the car arrived, they sat on the back row, Sinta and I sat in front of them. There were 10 athletes in the car. Eight people were for team chess, and two people were for individual chess. There were three kinds of competition, they are: blitz, rapid, and classical chess and we had to pass all of the competition. We would be there for a week for the tournament. Before we left Bojonegoro, we had to go to town square to do the athlete departure ceremony that was led by Bojonegoro's district head.

I never felt bored at all on my way to Tulungagung. I saw a high mountain and farms along the trip. They were so beautiful. Actually, Indonesia is famous for its beauty of nature. Many foreign people love Indonesia, but most of Indonesian people are still thinking that using foreign product and going abroad are cooler than using our own product. I do not know why they can think like that.

Suddenly, the skies became dark. Rain came, followed by lightning and thunderbolts sound. It was too dangerous if we continued our journey, so we stopped the car and waited until the rain stopped.

"So, what will we do now? Just be quiet and waiting the rain to stop?" Ika, one of my friends asked.

"Well what else we can do? We cannot do anything now" Pratiwi said

"What if we wait the rain to stop, after that we get out of car to take some photos?" I said

"That is a good idea" Sinta said

So then we waited while we talked about our competition. After the rain stopped, we got out of car and took some photos there. This place looked more beautiful because the rainbow appeared after the rain. We enjoyed the time when we took photos together and after that, we continued our journey. We arrived in the hotel at 9 P.M. after we check in and took our key room, we took a rest immediately.

At the first day, sandwich and a cup of tea were the best choice to have a breakfast. We had breakfast in the hotel's restaurant.

"We will go to Popoh beach today, before you compete tomorrow it is better that you refresh your mind today" my coach said.

"Yes, sir" we said.

After we finished our breakfast, we left the hotel and went to the beach. I brought my cell phone and camera. I wanted to take some photos as a souvenir. Like usual, I was always with Sinta wherever I went, and David was always with Pratiwi.

"Sinta, can I get a boyfriend soon?" I asked

"hahaha..You will get a boyfriend soon, Put" Sinta answered

Actually, Sinta had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend was a chess athlete from Sampang, Madura. They would meet together only when they joined same competition. This week, they would meet again at PORPROV competition, and I would feel alone.

Arriving at the beach, we ran immediately to the shore, felt the sun and played with the wave. Our officials and coach became instant photographers. It was time to refresh our mind and forget our problem. We returned to the hotel after we watched sunset at the beach together. It was so beautiful.

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