34 : Time to relax...or not

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Word count : 1,544

*No one pov*

When Izuku, Hioshi, Aizawa, and Yamada got home Izuku immediately hugged Yamada with a giant smirk on his face. "Thank you!!" He squealed into Yamada's shirt. Yamada looked at his husband and son with a small smile present on his face, "Any time problem child." Aizawa chucked and let go of Hitoshi as he opened his arms for Izuku to hug him, Hitoshi jogged over to Yamada and gave him a hug. "Alright hug time is over. It's time for training." Aizawa grinned and both Izuku and Hitoshi looked at each other with determination in their eyes. "That's what I like to see." Yamada walked over to Aizawa and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Izuku chuckled as Hitoshi made a gagging noise. "Ok ok outside in ten minutes. Go get changed." Aizawa chuckled.

Ten minutes later

Izuku, Hitoshi, Aizawa, and Yamada were all outside with a pair of leggings and a loose tank-top on. "Alright Izuku, you and Mic are going to be sparing. Izuku take it easy on Mic, and one last thing...no quirks." Yamada looked over to Aizawa in despair. "Don't look at me like that. You need to learn how to fight also you need to grow some muscles so you can protect yourself if you aren't able to use your quirk. Don't be so dependent on it." Yamada sighed and nodded his head at his husband. "Izu please go easy on me." Izuku only chuckled and got into his fighting position with a glint in his eyes. "No promises Pappa." Aizawa and Hitoshi looked at each other and got into position as soon as Aizawa stopped talking to Yamada. "Three, two, one, GO!" As soon as go was screamed all four Yamazawa's rushed forward and attacked the partner they were assigned to. Between the four, the ones that were most likely to win were Izuku, and Aizawa. Izuku for obvious reasons, and Aizawa because just because Hitoshi had the speed to almost keep up with his dad, Aizawa had the experience to know when and how his son would attack and were he would attack.

The battles were both extreme in there own way, Izuku and Yamada had a battle where Yamada was struggling to keep up with his son, also he was having a internal struggle to not use his quirk to defeat his opponent. Izuku was having trouble holding back, because he knew that if he didn't he would probably put his dad in the hospital. Aizawa and Hitoshi had a pretty clean match, and when I say a clean match I mean that two minuets into the fight Aizawa had Hitoshi on the ground in a back lock. "Alright can you get off me now Dad?" Hitoshi groaned underneath his dad. Aizawa grunted as a reply and got off his son holding out a hand to help him up. Both of them looked over to Izuku and Yamada and they could see the internal struggle in both of there eyes. Aizawa chuckled, as Hitoshi sighed. Izuku looked at his Father and immediately noticed how he slid his foot. He jumped back just in time as Yamada's leg sprung out and hit the spot Izuku had just been standing seconds before. Izuku smirked and rushed forward grabbing Yamada's leg before he could recoil it back, Izuku dragged his dad until he was on the ground and in a very painful position causing Yamada to give up almost immediately. "Finally, are you ok Pappa?" Izuku rushed as he helped Yamada up. "I'm good Izu. Good fight tho." Yamada smiled at his son and Izuku sighed and smiled back at him. "Alright Izuku, Hitoshi both of you go get a shower and get ready for lunch. Also Izuku Todoroki is coming over for lunch." Aizawa told them and Izuku's face lit up. "OK DAD!" Izuku yelled excitedly and ran inside with Hitoshi right on his tail. "Finally a little time alone." Aizawa groaned and fell onto the couch. "Yea, agreed." Yamada chuckled sitting right next to Aizawa. 

Latter on into the day two of the Yamazawa's were relaxing in the living room when the bell rang out into "I got it!" Izuku yelled out and rushed to the door, opening it with a bright smile. But that smile soon dropped when he saw the one person he wanted to see but... he was with the one person he didn't want to see. "Hello Todoroki, hello Endeavor, come in." Izuku forced a smile on his face as he internally screamed as loud as he could. "Dad, Pappa. Todoroki is here, and he brought Endeavor." Izuku shouted into the house. Although he swore he heard all three of his family members curse. "Endeavor, its nice to see you." Yamada smiled as he walked out of the kitchen, "Yes, Shoto told me he was invited to a dinner so I decided to come with him to make sure he had the correct food. I assume you were invited as well Present Mic" Izuku looked over to Todoroki and sighed, Todoroki just gave the Yamazawas a look that said "Im sorry". "That's quite alright Endeavor, and yes I was invited as well." Yamada smiled at Aizawa who had just walked in. "Oh Eraserhead, so this is your house?" Endeavor asked as he walked forward. "Yes this is my house, Izuku is my son, Shinso, Mic, and Todoroki were invited considering their close to my son." Endeavor nodded and looked to Todoroki. "Shoto go help Eraserhead with the plaiting, Yamazawa can you show me where I can wait until the food is finished?" Izuku ticked a tinny bit but eventually showed Endeavor to the living room. "This is the Living room, you may stay here until the food is done Endeavor. Now if you will excuse me, Shinsou can you come with me really quick?" Hitoshi nodded and walked out behind Izuku. "Izuku I'm so sorry he said I wouldn't be able to come if he didn't come with me." Todoroki hugged Izuku and apologize. "Sho you shouldn't be apologizing to me. It isn't you fault that he came with you." Izuku kissed Todoroki's forehead and looked over to his Dads. "Dad, Pappa is the food almost done?" Yamada looked over and nodded his head. "Yea its pretty much done. We just need to plate the table." Izuku nodded, kissed Todoroki on the cheek, then left the room to help his Dad with the table. Around ten minutes later all the food was ready on the table. "Alright Endeavor. The food is ready to eat." Izuku walked into the living room and right out but this time Endeavor was behind him this time. "Alright I hope all of you like the food." Aizawa spoke and everyone sat down and started eating their portion of the food "Shoto no bread." Endeavor grabbed Todoroki wrist as he was about to grab a stick of bread. "Yes father." Todoroki spoke in a monotone voice causing Izuku to flinch but stay clam. "So Eraserhead, why is it you invited my son again?" Endeavor looked at Aizawa and Aizawa didn't look up he only continued to eat until he finally said. "Like I said before, I invited Todorki because he is friends with my son."Endeavor looked up with a mixture of shock and disbelief in his eyes. "My son does not have friends so I don't know why you would assume that." Everyone's head shot up, but Izuku actually stood up. "Dad can I say it please, also permission to do that?" Aizawa looked at his son with a grin "Go ahead." Izuku's face morphed into a devilish grin as he walked up to Endeavor. "Enji Todoroki, aka Endeawhore please leave the Yamazawa property. If you do not leave in the next minuet I have permission to forcefully make you leave. Also Shoto will not be leaving as he has permission to stay in this house. You do not, so leave." Endeavor stood up fast causing the chair he was sitting in to fly backwards. "You do not have the right to talk to me like that! You are only a student!" Izuku's grin only grew as he activated Blackwip and grabbed Endeavor as Aizawa used Eraser to put out Endeavor's flames. "I would say sorry, but I don't mean it. Bye bye Endeawhore." Izuku smiled as he tossed the eldest Todoroki out the front door and closing it shut. "Finally, I can stop not talking." Hitoshi chuckled. Todoroki walked over to Izuku and jumped up onto him causing Izuku to stumble but catch his footing. "Hey sho." He chuckled as his boyfriend just snuggled into his neck. "Alright I guess that means its time for me to go to my bed room." Izuku chuckled as he said night to everyone.

*Izuku pov* 

I opened my door and walked inside my room. "Hey Sho." I whispered and gently rubbed his back, all I heard was a mumble so I assumed he was tired. "Alright just let me close my door first." I smiled at how cute he was being. After closing the door, I walked back up to the bed and jumped in cuddling up to him. "Goodnight Sho." "Night Izu." 

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