Chapter Seventeen: Sabotage

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I'm tacking up Raquel for an Elite lesson with Quinn, Winston, Thomas, and Reagan. We were specifically told NOT to wear our uniforms, so I'm wearing my tan breeches, long sleeve navy blue riding shirt, black riding belt, and my riding boots. Lynn wanted to get some private practice for the Elite team because she wants me to get my tack broken in before lessons start back up on Monday. I center the navy blue saddle pad on Raquel's back and lift the new saddle on top of it. It fits the contour of her back perfectly and doesn't seem to be causing any discomfort. I adjust the girth so it fits her right, and then put the breastplate on so it doesn't slide. I don't know why, but I didn't have a breastplate before. Probably not very smart, but oh well.

Next, I put the navy blue ear bonnet on, tying it loosely just so it stays in place while I slip Raquel's bridle on. When I do put it on, Raquel eagerly takes the bit and immediatley starts chewing on it, her way of showing me she's relaxed. Next, I put her brown jumping boots on, and off we go to the cross country course. Lynn wants me to go first, so I warm up Raquel by trotting/cantering her around an arena. When we're ready, I line Raquel up, and Lynn shouts "Go!"

Raquel knows exactly what GO means, so she takes off full speed to the obstacles. When we get to the water, Raquel rushes full speed through it, and I'm a little shocked. Raquel usually takes her time going through the water, enjoying the flow of the soft liquid on her legs. Then I realize why she's rushing. A bit of water spashes up and hits my leg, and it's very cold. It must've gotten cold last night.

I usher her on, and she works harder so she can regain some body heat. On the flat running ground, she sprints so fast that I almost loose focus. But I stay lifted, eyes up, back straight, giving Raquel full mobility. We finish the course and before Raquel's done cantering up to Apple, I jump off of her back and into the cross country building. I grab a towel and rush back out to Raquel, who has a slight limp on her front right leg.

"No! Don't run the course!" i shout to Quinn, who just took off. She stops her tall horse and looks back at me.

"Why not?" she asks.

"The waters freezing. It's too cold for Raquel to run through. See, she's limping," I say, motioning to my limping mare. I notice Reagan kneeling next to her right leg.

"Um, Cam, I don't think that's why she's limping," she says. "Look at this."

"What is it?" I ask, and everybody crowds around Raquel. I look where she's pointing and see a series of four gashes on the back of her pastern.

"I think it's from her jumping boots," Thomas says, motioning to the riding boot that Reagan's holding.

"Thomas," I say, starting to cry. "The jumping boot doesn't even remotely touch that area. Someone purposely did this. How did I not notice earlier?"


Rea and I take Raquel to the vet. She has to stay for a while, so Reagan and I bring all of the tack back to my cubby. Then we walk into the dorm, and I'm a mess. I'm shaking and crying when I walk inside, and everyone who was peacefully watching TV looks up at me. I turn the door and lean against it, dropping to the floor. Mason and Alex are the first to sit next to me.

"What happened?" Alex asks, ushering me up and bringing me to the couch. Mason follows and takes a seat next to me. Reagan tells the whole thing. I lean back against the couch, tears streaming down my face. Who would want to hurt Raquel? Who would want to hurt me?

Mason seems to be thinking the same thing. He angrily gets up, walks outside, and slams the door shut, probably going to the barn or Student Support.

I can't handle much of anything anymore, so I go upstairs, text my mom, and drift off to sleep.

About two hours later at roughly 12:30, someone knocks on my door, waking me up. Maggie, who I had no idea was even in the room, stands up and opens the door. It's Mason.

"Cami! Maggie! I found out who did it," he says, sitting on my bed next to me. Mason tells me how he went to the vet and asked many questions, and the vet deduced that the cuts were made with sharp plastic. Mason went around to each paddock and barn until he found proof of who it was. When he figured it out, he went right to Student Support.

"I'm so glad I found out who did it. The person who did it got kicked off all teams and is leaving tomorrow night," Mason says. "They won't be able to hurt you or your precious Raquel again."

"Mason, who did it?" I ask, getting worried. It could be anyone, my closest friend or someone I barely know.

Mason doesn't reply.

"Mason, who did it?" I ask more sternly.

"Well, you're not going to be very happy," he replies with a frown.

"Mason. Cut the crap. Who did it? If you're not going to tell us, I'll just bring Cameron to Student Support myself and ask them," Maggie says, getting very annoyed.

"Fine," he says. "It was Thomas."

(A/N Didn't really think the chapter would turn into this, but hokeyp)

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