Devils got a Date

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"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Riley sighed deeply, putting on the demon wings and horn.

Ella gasped loudly when she came out of the dressing room.

"You look gorgeous! And sexy! You're sure to get this guys off his feet!" Ella exclaimed, looking at Riley's outfit.

"You look gorgeous! And sexy! You're sure to get this guys off his feet!" Ella exclaimed, looking at Riley's outfit

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Riley smiled, "Okay, let's see, the mic is in place right?"

Ella nodded.

"The surveillance van?"

Ella again nodded.

"And who's taking me?"

"Dan. Lucifer and him are going to be in the surveillance van while you go and try to seduce the killer." Ella said, her smile never leaving her face.

Riley nodded before getting into the car, Dan looked back but quickly looked away upon seeing Riley's outfit. Riley didn't mind, she honestly didn't care about wearing revealing clothes, as long as it was going to help the case she'd do it.

They pulled up in the parking lot and she put her earpiece in, "You and Mr. Morningstar gonna be okay?"

Dan nodded with a small scowl, "We can try, also, if you at all feel uncomfortable just say something and we can call this all off."

"Well don't do that! I quite enjoy this view."

Dan rolled his eyes as Riley laughed a bit and did a spin, "Well, do you think this will work?"

Dan nodded quickly, getting to the van. Riley shrugged and hurried inside, it was kinda chilly outside.

She got passed the guard and walked in, everyone was in a different costume, she saw a vampire, a ghoul, a goblin, everything.

She decided to play slut and went straight to the bar, getting the strongest drink. Once she ordered she looked around at her surroundings.

The place was all black aside from the glow in the dark paint splattered everywhere and the glowing costumes. Soft lights hung above her, the DJ playing hot girl bummer over the speakers.

Riley pulled her washed out brown hair into a ponytail, showing off her neck to their possible suspect. She looked around again for any weird behavior.

"Got anything yet Grey?"

She tapped the earpiece, "No, but I think I may have something."

A guy with dark hair and tan skin approached her, "Well hello there, what's your name beautiful?"

"Cassidy, Cassidy Rye." Riley lied, smirking flirtatiously.

"Well," he slid his hand up her thigh, "Cassidy, do you mind?"

She was about to say something when Lucifer burst in the doors, "ACTUALLY I DO!"

Riley furrowed her brows, "Um? Mr. Morningstar?"

Lucifer threw the guy over the bar with unknown strength.

"Mr. Morningstar!" Riley quickly went around the bar and saw the guy unconscious.

Eyes on them she flashed the bartender her ID, "We need to take this guy into custody, mind lending a hand?"

The bartender nodded quickly and helped Dan carry the guy out. Once they were outside Riley hit Lucifers shoulder.

Lucifer never felt a punch before, "Ow!"

"What was that?! We could've done that a bit more settle!" Riley scolded.

Lucifer looked at her confused, "But he touched you?"

"Since when did you care about people touching other people? I've seen your record." Riley said also confused.

Lucifer looked up at her, her striking blue eyes clashing with his brown ones, lost in thought me muttered, "I don't know..."

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now