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As I was explaining to her how I got here I had a hard look at her and as I thought this woman is truly beautiful and worthy of being my queen. Maybe that is why having these dreams about her but then my demon says the one thing I have been dreaming of all my life mate so she is my true mate.

This is just now I can have this beauty as my mate you see we demons are the most obsessive shifters when it comes to our mates there is. But from the look in her eyes, she hates mates and even more over supernaturals I wonder what happened for her to be asleep and that hate.

Aurora POV:

For example, everything I ask, what are you "a demon" just great the first thing I wake up to is a handsome demon who is staring at me for some reason. "So I am guessing you know anything about me, I guess I should release you and be on my merry way." So much to see and do once I let him go I cheeked if my soul stone was still with me.

Thank god it was over wise all my stuff over my many years would be lost oh well. Once the stone appeared in my head the color was purple the color of my magic and soul. I focused on it and transformed it into my broom with my slyish black hat to take off into the sky.

As I was about to say my farewells to Dante he asked "where are you going, you can't think of leaving on that broom you know nothing about this place or the dangers of this place. Wouldn't it be better if you left and came to stay at my castle where I can help you find a home"?

Is he seriously asking me to go and live with him? Hell no I have had my share of experiences where they say they want to help but they just want to do horrible things to you so hell no. I responded by "I don't think that is a wise decision. I will travel to a spot most safe and live there alone from everyone annoying which is pretty must everyone so bye."

As I said that I took off into the air I can never get enough of this feeling as my hand touched the clouds themselves just as I was sensing the most magical area something was approaching me.

Just as I did some evasive immovability I came face to face with Dante in his demon form. "What the hell are you doing you could have gotten hurt and another thing why are you falling for me you aren't stalking me are you?" His answer was "no I was just worried about you and to meet you again."

I looked at him annoyingly then said "fine you can follow I was just about to descend to that area so I set up home anyway so you might as well come."

When we finally landed I took hold of my broom and transformed it back into my stone then looked for the best spot to put it. Just then Dante landed looking around then transforming back into his normal devilish handsome form.

He then asked "what are we doing here? This place doesn't look like there will be a town or village near for miles. Why would you want to live here." Just as he was asking that I found the spot and focused on my house being brought through and being placed there.

With that done I began setting up my barriers don't what annoying goddess or other supernatural beings finding me. With that, I looked at a now shocked Dante. He can be cute sometimes in moments then looked at me for an explanation on how a house just appeared.

"The short version is that this stone is my soul/magic stone that can change or store anything in it. It just so happens to hold my house where I keep all my research on magic and stuff so now you know I am safe and where I live with a home can you leave."

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