Arriving at london

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Y/n POV:
" Y/n, you got a letter!!" My mother yelled from the front door. " Coming!". I opened the letter and it was them. It was finally them!!! A couple of months ago I applied to be an intern at Nightingale hospital, London and.... they said yess!!! This is so exciting!! " MOM I..." wait how was I supposed to tell my mom I'm moving to London. It would break her heart.      " yes hunny?" . " umm... I got the, the job". " oh my god I'm so proud of you!!!" " your not mad?".  " why would I be??". She doesn't know. She doesn't know I will be leaving and almost rarely coming back. " mom, the job I-it's in London". " I know" my mother seemed unfazed by what I said. " oh ok".

I gave my mom a big hug and headed upstairs to my room, I started packing for London. How was the weather going to be?? Do I need mostly sweaters or loose clothes? Maybe a bit of both". This is going to be very stressful.

Time jump: traveling day
" did you pack sunscreen? A jacket? What about your wallet? Do you need me to transfer you some money till you get on your feet?" My mother said as she paced back and forth the hallway. " No mom, I'm good. I have everything I need." I said, as I watch her calm down a bit. *honk honk* went the taxi waiting for me to come out. " ok mom, I will be back for thanksgiving, ok?" " yeah" my mom claim while giving me one last hug. * honk* " OK, OK!! I'm coming!". I grabbed my suitcase and but it in the taxi.

Time jump: the landing

I landed in London around 2:00 am, I was exhausted. I went straight to my hotel unpacked, and passed out.

Author's note: this is my first time writing in a public space. I know it's short but I need some critique. I need to know what is good and what needs help. I have a lot of ideas for this " book" but I don't know if that what people want tho I will be posting part 2 within an hour.

To be continued...

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