Not my wedding

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Y/n POV:
Time jump: 1 week later

"I'm late! I'm late! I can't believe I'm late". I finally get this job and I'm LATE!! LATE FOR MY FIRST DAY!! I grabbed my bag and walked out. I'm running to my car when it hit me. "I don't have a car in London. Ok then I'll just have to improvise" I whispered to myself. I fire up the gps and find a quick way there. I'm running across a bridge, it's so pretty, but no time. Got to keep running... *thud* ow, what the hell was that. No my papers, need those, I'm in deep poop now. " I'm so sorry love" I hear a very British voice say. " No, I'm sorry" I say as I look up at a very handsome man. " ohh, hello" I let slip out of my life. " I'm sorry, I uh mean um, hi?". "Hello love" he seemed to be interested. Crap, work. " uh sorry I have to go to work" " ok then, you might need these" he says as he passes me the paperwork i need for work. "Thank you" I say while I take the papers, slip my phone card in and slowly walk away. I hear him say under his breath " no, thank you" while looking at me as I walk away. I run to the hospital, but apparently my clock was wrong because I was there 20 minutes early, well then, I got time to spare.

Handsome man POV:
After meeting this beautifully clumsy girl I looked down and smile when i noticed she heard what I said as she walked away. I noticed she dropped something, a ring. Is she married? Did I just flirt with a married women? I put the ring in my pocket when I noticed a card in there, "she must have slipped it in when I wasn't looking, sneaky aren't you miss..." I paused as I try to say her last name " y/l/n". I make a call to miss y/l/n. " hello, who is this?" Her beautiful voice lightly danced in my ear. " yes this is Tom, the guy you ran into at the bridge". " oh ok, I see you found my card?" She said cheerfully, I replayed with " yes and your wedding ring". " wait really?? I need to get that back. What if we meet at the Luna café across the street from Nightingale hospital please" she didn't seem to care that I knew she was married and willing to cheat on her husband tho I will return the ring, even tho she doesn't deserve it. Oh well, not my problem.

Time jump: at the cafe

I was waiting at the cafe for an hour, maybe I have been here to long? As I go to ask for the check she walks in. Great, I thought I would never see her again, just my luck. " hey, sorry for taking so long" " it's fine, here is your wedding ring". She began to laugh, seemingly uncontrollably. " oh that's rich" she says while sitting down and taking the ring. " can you let me explain to you" she says while gesturing me to sit. I sat down and say " yeah, sure". " this is not my wedding ring, it's my promise ring". " is that supposed to be better?" I exclaim " yes, my best friend gave it to me, as I too gave her one".  Well now I feel bad and good. I didn't hit on a married women but I did assume something of someone which isn't very kind of me.

Y/n POV:
Hahaha I can't believe he actually thought I was married, me, this guy really is a peace of work. " I'm so, so sorry" he claimed, he actually seemed sorry so I was ok with it. " it's ok, I would think the same thing if you had a ring..." I say while Looking at his hand " tho you do have a ring". Of course, what a hypocrite!! I really need to stop trusting people. " actually, it's just decorational jewelry". " well then" I guess I can trust someone. " now that we both judged each other, I was wondering if I could take you on a date" yes, yes, YESSS " yeah sure" . " I was wondering if I could take you home? Oh and by the way, I never got around to ask your name". " you really think a girl should just share all of her secrets?" I say while walking away from Tom, I can tell something really will blossom here.

Authors note: Thanks for reading!!So sorry for delay. I have big plans for this book, please keep reading it means a lot to me!! Much lub from kait✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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