Pack mentality

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I woke up early and decided to head to school,I told stiles I'd go ahead and I walked.There were already kids inside the so I just sat in the yard waiting for class to start.I started to smell something it smelt good and I decided to follow it.The smell got stronger and I approached bus the door was locked so prayed it open with my strength,when I looked inside my fangs came out and my eyes and veins were red, "AGHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed so loud I almost blew out hearing, someone grabbed me and out my back up against a tree with there hand over my mouthing looked up and saw Derek,I forgot he got out.He looked down at me were really close he got a foot and 2 inches on me. I can hear his heart beat it fast but not to fast.we look at each other "you need to be more careful" he tells me not looking away from my eyes " ya I try but when your twins who act alike in some cases it's hard" I giggle a bit,". Um well I have to get to class see you Derek and thanks" I said walking away.

"Ok so we don't know if you were the one that didn't maybe it really was an animal like a bear or something" I suggest as we sit down in the cafeteria " ya but dreams aren't memories" stiles says to Scott "then it wasn't a dream" we sit down, "what makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers" " because during the full moon he didn't change" Scott says in a whisper and maybe he's right " I can't go out with you guys I have to cancel" my eyes widened "No Scott your coming plz I need support this is my first date" "ya and you can't just cancel your entire life we'll figure it out" Lydia sits down " figure what out" she asks " uh um homework ya", " why is she sitting with us" Stiles asks in a hushed whisper I shrug and see other people coming.I get up and sit next Danny, " there saying it's some type of animal attack" Danny tells us "a cougar" "a mountain lion" Jackson questions " cougar is a mountain lion" Lydia says I'm shocked until she say "isn't it" " Who cares the guys probably just some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway" Jackson says earning a glare from me, " actually I just found out who it is" stiles says showing us his phone, we watch the video " hey I know that guy he used to drive the bus when I used to bust my dad, " can we talk about something slightly more fun please like oh where were guys tomorrow night" Lydia asks allisson, "how about bowling" " ya let's do it" I agreed the bell rang and we left.

I got a ride from Allison to her house with Lydia. "Ok guys let's play truth or dare" I suggest they nod and allisson goes first "ok alli Truth or Dare" I ask her "I dare you to talk gibberish till it's your turn" I dared her "thdhhg Dfhgiu  kbgjkhggh" we laughed at the words,she gets a sheet of paper and asks truth or dare to Lydia "dare" ' tomorrow during the date you have to spill water on Jackson' she nodded " ok ski truth or dare" "truth" "tell us who you have a crush on" I blushed lightly and the both squealed, "ok let's get Allison turn over so you can talk, "truth or dare" "truth" "do you have a crush on Scott" "yes of course" then the both looked at me "fine his name's Derek" I blush harder as I think of him "we don't talk a lot but when we do I feel a connection but it can't happen" I laugh "why not if you like him go for it" allisson suggests "first his name is Derek Hale,second he's a few years older than us,third my dads the sheriff,and last it won't work out" I explain " well then forget about him they guy I set you up with is really cute and on the lacrosse team his names jace" Lydia said with a smile " I'll give him a shot" she hugs me and we continue the sleepover.

 "Ok guys let's play truth or dare" I suggest they nod and allisson goes first "ok alli Truth or Dare" I ask her "I dare you to talk gibberish till it's your turn" I dared her "thdhhg Dfhgiu  kbgjkhggh" we laughed at the words,she gets a sheet of ...

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We got ready for the bowling alley I caught a ride from Jackson and Lydia. "So how do you know jace"I ask curious "she doesn't I do lacrosse remember he's actually a pretty cool guy, but he's got a mysterious side to him".he tells me "hm if you like then ok",we arrived and  I saw jace I think.

"Hey I'm jace you, you must be ski""ya I am",we were having a great time he's really smart and funny not to mention hot

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"Hey I'm jace you, you must be ski""ya I am",we were having a great time he's really smart and funny not to mention hot.we were having a conversation, when Scott pulls me over. " sorry I'll back" I said while being pulled by my best friend "what's up Scotty" "I can't bowl how am I going to do this if I can't freakin bowl"he said panicking "just calm down use your wolf senses like your strength and roll"I told him "huh I hope that works"he says getting a ball, I go back to sit with jace and we watch Scott,he just stood there "omg Scott just put your fingers in the hole back up and release it on the runway"I said annoyed jace laughed a little,he rolled the ball but not into the pins,I had a straight face(👁👄👁),Jackson laughed and jace punched him in the shoulder and glared at him.Him and Lydia started making fun of him, " hey alli go help him alright" she nodded and left, "stop being assholes not everyone can be the great handsome and awesome Jackson Whitmoore"I say sarcastically,they shut up and looked away. "You really care about him"jace said smiling down at me, "ya best friends since forever me him and my brother are like the perfect trio" "it's cute" I blushed at his words.Scott got back up and tried again. "Jackson laugh at him again and I won't hesitate rip your off let's see how you'll play lacrosse without jackass"I say innocently his eyes widened Lydia turned her head Scott choked and allisson and jace laughed.He sat down and I patted him on the shoulder, " you'll get em Scotty" I tell him.It was my turn and I grabbed the ball and made six strikes everyone was impressed the it was Scott's turn and I felt pretty confident he'd get it and he did when he walked back we high fives one another, " that is seriously amazing, uh how many strikes is that" allisson asks "it's six each in a row" he said in an angry tone, Lydia tried to flirt with Scott but to her surprise he said no and I snickered a bit earning a glare from her.she hit a perfect strike, "hey that was a perfect form" Allison said to her "was it"" many you should sucking for his benefit" I told her me and alli leaning in close "trust me I do plenty of sucking for his benefit" we leaned back " I..I'm gonna get a drink" I stuttered away from the awkward situation,I ordered a sprite and jace came up and ordered a coke "what" he asked "nothing just you've gotten 12 strikes tonight that's impressive, so you have some sort of power or something" I joke " no I'm just a good bowler had a lot practice hey can I take you home" " ya sure just let me get my stuff from Jackson's car" and I walked out the alley,I opened the car door and heard someone coming, "what Jackson I'm just getting my stuff" I annoyed "you think your smart ski we may be friends but I know you and McCall are hiding something and I'm gonna find out" " what the hell are talking about there's no secret" I deadpanned, "you know I can drop this if you'd go out with me"he said reaching for my face a quickly grabbed his wrist and squeezed a bit he groaned in pain "hey you have a girlfriend and I'm on a date with someone so no and also never gonna happen" I said letting go of this wrist and walking off.Before jace dropped me off he kissed me and I kissed back it feels so right, I laughed and walked up the drive way. I walked in and dad turned the light on, I smiled awkwardly " hey dad have I told you how much I love you" I said holding my arms out " I thought you were going shopping" "I did that was alli" I said with a smile "really so allisson's a boy I've me her and she's not a boy and you kissed" he said looking dead at me "well you see he was chocking and had to give him oxygen" I explained "really that's not what stiles told me" " I see they went on a date and I didn't wanna be a fifth wheel so the added another wheel and um he drove me home and we'll I uh kissed him" I said with a smile "so you like him and you lied to me both of you again" " I would say I like him or that I lied just didn't wanna say anything and I'm fond of him" he looked at me for a second "go to bed" "righ see ya daddyO" and I left to my room. "Hm stiles must be with Scott", I went to sleep after a while.

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