Magic bullet

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"If Derek isn't the alpha" "then who bit you" we asked, "I don't know" "did the alpha kill the bus driver" I asked "I don't know" we thought or a second and asked "does Allison's dad know about the alpha" "I don't know" he yelled out turning heads, me and stiles looked at our papers we both got A's and we fist bumped.I looked at Scott's "dude you need study more" he sighed "that was a joke" I said thinking he's get it, " Scott it's test you're gonna make it up" stiles said frustrated, " do you want help studying" I asked "no I'm studying with Allison after school today" mr and stiles made a look " that's our boy" we said in unison "we're just studying" "uh no your not" I told him "I'm not" "not if we're forced to live vicariously through you" " if you go to her house today and squander and opportunity I swear to god, I will rip you head off-" he cut me off " ok ok just stop with the questions guys" "done"we said in unison "no more questions" "no more talk about the alpha" "or Derek, especially Derek who still scares us" I finished.

I walked to the car with stiles,we got in and started to leave, when Derek came out of nowhere and we almost hit him. " oh my god" stiles said jumping,he fell on the pavement "you've gotta be kidding me this guys having a-" I don't finish and look back at cars honking.they get out the car and helped him in the car I got in the back seat. he told Scott to find some sort of bullet, I was confused.
"Oh your not looking to good you ok" I asked concerned "I was shot with some kind of bullet and can't heal" I nodded and saw him bleeding my eyes became red and my fangs started showing, " oh shit not you too you need to control it or we're gonna die ski" stiles said to me worried "I'm trying" I breathe but it doesn't work. " ok try not bleed out on my seats are almost there" "where" "your house" "no you cant take me there" " I can't take you to your own house" "not when she's like this and I can't protect myself" they argued "What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet" I asked upset due to my blood lust, "hm are you dying"stiles asked just as upset as me "not yet, I have a last resort" " what do you mean" I said trying to keep my self together,he showed him the wound and I lost it I jumped out the car and ran to some girl on her phone and stuck my teeth into her,i drank for a few seconds and said "you forget that I was here and where a scarf to cover up your neck if anyone asks you lie" I told her and got back in the car. They stared at me "did you just" stiles asked me disgusted "ya I did anyways give me something I need to clean my mouth and over my shirt", I said not even phased by what just happened after I killed that one girl I just got over it. "You could've been seen what if she tells" Derek asks concerned "I compelled her" they said nothing and we drove off.

"What are we supposed to do with him ski almost killed someone because he was bleeding " stiles asked Scott over the phone, " and by the way he's starting to smell" " I don't mind" I raised my hand "of course you don't your a vampire" I nodded in agreement and Derek looked at us like we're idiots "what about your boss" I asked listening with my hearing "huh your not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you" stiles said handing in the phone, I got tired and took a nap.

I woke up to Derek and stiles talking I got out and sat down on one of the bags. We walked into the clinic Derek took his shirt off My face heated seeing his toned chest and turned towards the cabinets. "Ya know that looks like something son echnecia and good night sleep couldn't take care of" stiles said I nodded my head in agreement looking at the wall so I don't jump him sexually or fearlessly. "When the infection reaches my heart it'll kill me" he said panting I turned around and breathed controlling my urges, " positivity just isn't in your vocabulary is it" I asked frustrated as well " if he doesn't get here with the bullet in time last resort" me and stiles looked at each other, "which is" we asked "your gonna cut off my arm" We look at him with wide eyes.

He hand him the same and turns it on. " oh my god" stiles says scared and I still have wide eyes "what if I just give you my blood" I suggest in a cheerful yet scared voice "no you'll kill me faster" "we can't do this man" " why not" I look like I'm about to pass out "because the cutting it flesh the bone and the blood she's a vampire" I start breathing heavily and walk backwards towards the wall and put my hand on it, "you faint at the sight of blood" " no but she drinks it and i will at the sight of and arm" he yells Derek threaten him and room starts spinning and he put it on his arm and I everything from there is black.

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