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Chapter 1 Space

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Ruo Qian is a college student, her parents divorced, her father died in an accident, she lives alone, her father left her a small apartment, a martial arts gym, and a bank card, enough for her university life

Two days ago, because I stayed up late to write a paper, I accidentally hit my head when I went out and was taken to the hospital. When I woke up, I was in Yiyuan Space.

Ruoqian looked up here and didn't know where it was. When she saw two houses, she went to the house on the left first.

This room is on two floors. As soon as you enter, you can see the stairs. There are two portraits on the left, a very large and fairy old man, and the smaller portrait next to it is a very elegant woman. There is a table in front of the portrait. There are two yellowed letter paper on the table

"Is there anyone here?"

Ruoqian shouted for a while without a sound, she took out a letter and read it, it said

"A destined person

The old man has already cultivated to the middle level of the golden core. In this world with less and less spiritual energy, it is not easy to cultivate. My age is no longer able to improve. After some time, I asked a friend to make a mustard space, which is not very good. But it's okay. In such an expensive situation, it's free after all. It's not bad if you have it. You can put everything from these years in it. Recently, I don't think there is much time left. I plan to leave this space for destiny. people

There are two rooms in the space. The upper floor of this room is a room. Because I don't use it very much, it is not taken care of. The lower floor of the next room is a warehouse. The upper floor is used for alchemy. I usually live there. The lower floor is a room. There is nothing in the warehouse, just a place to put things

There are eight pieces of land in front of the house and a mouthful of spiritual springs. This spiritual spring can strengthen the body, beautify and beautify. The first use can remove some toxins from the body. It is also very precious here. The land behind is used for planting spiritual value. , Random in front

Okay, I hope people who are destined can make good use of"

After reading the letter, Ruoqian knew that it was a space similar to the one written in the novel. Suddenly she felt lucky and she quickly read the second letter.

"Hello, destined

I am the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the Republic of China. This space has helped our family a lot. Before the space was discovered, our family was about to fall into disarray. Later, we used the things in the space to grow stronger. Later, our family got better and better. I have also become the patriarch of our family, after having the right

I have collected a lot of things, and some clothing and jewelry, except for the ones in the bedroom.

People who are destined, this space is a secret, don't mention it with others at will, cherish the crime, in the face of interest, you never know who your enemy is."

Ruoqian was startled in a cold sweat when she saw this place. She remembered what to do when the people outside saw that she suddenly disappeared. She was anxious and wanted to get out, but she didn't know how to get out.

Feeling wet on my neck, I touched my neck and it suddenly came out

I looked at it and felt that this should be a hospital. I looked at it and found it was my own room. I was relieved instantly. I unplugged the infusion tube and went to the bathroom

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