if i had a time machine

15 1 2

i would go back to the first time we met, and never leave.

everything would be done differently.

everything would be different.

the first time they met, she was wearing a bright blue scarf. it was as blue as the sky, soft as grass in the springtime. i'd never seen anything like it. but-

but that's the end of the story.

there's nothing else here.

just me and this great white expanse.

god i'm going to cry.

i just want a time machine









h a v e 

e v e r 

listening to a musical on shuffle is a bit like a time machine

whizzer goes from dead to breaking up with marvin to beating marvin in raquetball to helping jason to hitting nancy reagan

sweeney goes from having an epiphany to dying to meeting anthony for the first time to cutting people's hair

and it's all out of order and chaotic

if i had a time machine

none of this would be happening

because i wouldn't be here, writing this now

and you wouldn't be there, reading this now

i would be somewhere else

with someone else

i want a time machineWhere stories live. Discover now