Chapter 9

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It was... "Oka?!" you said in shook. Ah, gomen nassai y/n-chan, i just wanted to surprise you. She said in a suspicious tone. And also giggled nervously. As you both were halfway through Okas house her phone rang, you couldnt see who was calling so you shrugged it off, and she went somewhere futher leaving you on the nearby lamppost while she answered the call.

"why did you call?" oka said, the caller then responded with "i just wanted to ask if your with her right now." "oh i am" she said while giggling. After they talked for about 8 minutes Oka came back and said "gomen, it was my mum", "ah its ok" you responded. 10 minutes later you both reached Okas house.

And you felt something weird like something will go wrong if you go there. But didnt mind it cuz Oka has been your friend fir 3 years now.  As soon as you both went in, someone called her again, and you know her response was it was her mum again. But you knew it wasnt, so you decided to follower her outside to only overhear what they are saying like "we're in my house right now" oka said. You couldnt quite hear what the caller said but you knew something is wrong, but you decides to go back to where you were earlier. Then shortly after, she came back and said "ne y/n-chan do you mind going with me to the supermarket?". "sure, but i gotta get home soon since its getting really dark". As you both were walking to the supermarket you went to a different direction, you asked Oka why and she said that it was for shortcut. After 5 minutes of walking it was now really dark and you were getting worried, "ne oka-chan, when are we arriving at the supermarket?, cuz it getting really dar-". You got cut off by entering a bulding with a vile odor. But before you said a word someone put something over your mouth, making you unabke to talk. After a while you heard talking and someone turned the lights on. You were again shook about what you were seeing. There were rotting food everywhere which explains the vile smell, and Akinari was there, Oka was laughing while saying "such a fool y/n". Upon realising that Oka was helping Akinari kidnap you makes you regret believing her. They then tied your feet and hands, while Akinari forced his crusty lips on your soft ones. Akinari's phone then rang and said to the caller "yeah shes here." after a couole of minutes of waiting for the caller. He came, it was....

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