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chapter one:athena blake needs to think !

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chapter one:
athena blake needs to think !


ATHENA BLAKE NEVER thought her summer would consist of trying to cheer up Ricky Bowen. She remembers that night when he showed up at her door, a panicked look in his eyes and rambles spilling past his lips. Nini told me she loved me, Ricky had confessed, and Athena hated herself for the way her heart broke. And I didn't say it back. I asked for a break. Athena had spent all night trying to calm him down until he finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

She didn't blame Ricky for not saying it back. Of course, she felt bad for Nini and definitely thought Ricky could've handled the situation better, but Athena knew what was going on at home. His parents barely said I love you to each other anymore and his mom was always away. Athena could see that it was taking a huge toll on him. No wonder why he panicked when Nini said that she loved him.

And in no way was it Nini's fault, either. This whole thing was a horrible misunderstanding. And Athena, being best friends with Ricky and sort-of acquaintances with Nini, was left in the middle of it all.

Now it was the first day of junior year. Athena, her hands on the straps of her backpack, stared up at East High School in front of her. She let out a deep breath. Being nervous for the first day of school was always normal for her. Athena was always the type of person to hide in the shadows, especially behind her sister Artemis who was in her senior year. Who knows, maybe this year would be better. Maybe she would come out of those shadows and make a name for herself.

"Hey, 'Thena," the familiar voice of Violetta Chase, Athena's other best friend, greeted. Athena looked to see the curly-haired girl standing next to her. "Where's lover boy?"

Athena groaned. "Stop referring to Ricky as lover boy. And to answer your question, I'm not sure. Probably with Big Red or something."

"Is this finally going to be the year you confess your undying love to him?" Violetta asked, a smirk on her face.

Athena's face burned red. "Violetta!"

"Okay, okay, fine, I'm joking." Violetta followed her best friend's gaze and looked up at the school building. "Anyways, are you ready?"

Athena shrugged. "I guess so. It's now or never, right?"

Finally, just as she took a step forwards, a skateboard suddenly rolled to a stop in front of her. Athena stopped in her tracks and sighed.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐘  ―  r. bowen ¹  ✓Where stories live. Discover now