Chapter 4 Katniss POV

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" President shot." I gawk at the headline. I watch the news story in a frantic frenzy. she was shot in the leg. Not the head. Oh good. Thank god. She will be okay. She deserves to be. There is an urgent knock at my door. Two government officials are standing there. One is tall and muscular looking with blond hair and the other is short, fat, and bald.
" Hello, Mrs. Mellark," the bald one says. " We have some questions for you."
" Ask away," I reply, and they do.
"What are your thoughts on newcomers?" They ask.
" I see no threat in them," is my answer.
" Do you intend to host one here ever?"
" What if I told you I already am?"
As if on cue, Tobias walks in, looking like he got about two and a half hours of sleep. He's carrying a cup of coffee in each hand. He sets them on the table and leaves. He returns two seconds later with two more cups.
" Don't ask. And yes, I am going to drink all... four." Tobias says. I still don't know why saying the word four takes a lot out of him.
" Back to the questions," the tall government official says.
" Do you mind?" I say to Tobias.
" No," he says, and takes his one remaining cup of coffee into another room.
" Final question," the bald man says,
"What would your response be if we asked you to become interim president until president paylor heals?"
" Are you seriously offering me this position?"
" Yes," the tall one says.
" What do you say?" I take a deep breath.
" Yes."

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