Chapter 3: The Misunderstanding

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The bell signals the end of home room and I quickly grab my bag and head for the door, eager to escape the glares of Monique and her five babbling bitches. They couldn't possibly be mad at me for being sat behind him... can they? I shake off the thought and head towards my first class. "Erica!" Ashley, one of the five bitches, yells behind me. I quicken my pace and as I turn my head to look behind me, an arm comes out of the bathroom door and pulls me into the room. I try to turn to see who grabbed me when I feel a sharp sting across my face. I spit onto the floor and cringe when I see that it's tinged with blood. Turning my head upwards To glare at my attacker, I  come face to face with a fuming Monique. "Welcome back Erica." She sneers at me, her eyes sparkling in amusement.

The bell rings signifying the end of home room and I grab my bag off my chair. Before I Can even stand the girl rushes past me and out the door. I turn and watch her as she leaves and notice that the other girls immediately took off after her. I can't help the gut feeling I have that something bad is going on there; and if there's one thing I've learned watching my father; it's that you should always trust your gut. Wait, why do I even care what's happening with them? I don't even know her name. Shrugging my shoulders I grab my things and head out the door, following behind one of the girls.

"Erica!" The girl in front of me bellows down the hallway, and I watch the sweet little fox pick up speed. Why is she running? I shake the thought from my head I continue following them when I see the little fox, whose name is apparently Erica, get pulled into the bathroom by her arm, a look of terror on her face. I can barely suppress the snarl that came across my face at the sight of it. Before I can even think to stop or even consider what I'm doing, I stomp up to the door and open it a crack, and what I see before me has me seeing red. On the floor being held by her beautiful red hair, is sweet little Erica, her eyes pricked with tears. "Welcome back Erica." The ringleader of the girls says, her voice laced heavily with venom. I look around and notice the other girls are just standing there, holding various objects and tools, minus the one holding Erica by her hair. The one in the middle, I think her name is Mallory?, raises her Hand to strike my sweet little fox once more. Before I can even think about it I slam the door open, my face contorted in anger, before growling out one simple sentence. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"What do you think you're doing?" A low dangerous voice calls from the doorway, and goosebumps immediately trail down my skin. Monique spins towards the door, immediately stepping infront of me in a vain attempt at hiding what she was doing."Oh! Alec!" She practically purred, her eyes taking him in. Alec didn't seem to pleased by her answer. "Let me repeat myself once more. And if I were you I'd remember how much I HATE repeating myself." His voice is hard, his eyes razor sharp as he took a few more steps towards her. "What. The. FUCK. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing." Monique let's out an anxious giggle and her friends all exchange looks of discomfort and uncertainty. Alec let out a low growl before shoving Monique to the side and stepping towards me. I can't help the low whine that escapes my throat as I cower into his arms as he picks me up from the floor. "If I see ANY of you near this girl again, I will make you and your families disappear. Do you understand me?" His voice is calm but strained, his grip on me tightening. Monique let's out an irritated sigh before finally speaking up. "What's so special about her, huh? She's a fucking nobody. Hell her dad I-" "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" His voice raises and his veins start to bulge in his neck. I can't help but curl deeper into him, frightened by him but also knowing he's protecting me. Monique and her friends jump at the sound and all mumble sounds of agreement before hurrying out of the bathroom. Once the last girl leaves I feel Alec sigh before he looks down at me, pushing one of the rogue hairs out of my face. "Are you okay, little fox?" His voice is soft as he gently inspects my face, his topaz eyes scrutinizing every inch of flesh on my face. "I-I'm fine. T-thank you for helping me." My voice comes out a small squeak and the sound brings a smile to His face. "No need to thank me. Cmon. Allow me to bring you to the nurse so she can address your wounds." I let out a nervous laugh before gently pushing at his chest and wriggling to get down. "Alec.. thank you for saving me but I don't-" his grip on me tightens as he stands, carrying me bridal style towards the door. "Alec please" I whine before he pushes the door open. As the door swings open the bell rings and I feel the color drain from my face. Everyone's going to see us like this! I feel my face start to heat up and just as the students start to file into the hallway, I bury my face into his chest, hoping nobody would notice. I hear him chuckle above me and I look up at him and scowl. Suddenly I notice it's silent in the hallway, and when I peek to my left through my hair, I can see that everyone is staring at us. "Fuck."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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