Munch Bucket "Eerie Mysteries" Book III Bean Pies, Burgers & a side of Succubus

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The Munch Bucket "Eerie" Mysteries

Book III

"Bean Pies, Burgers and a side of Succubus"

By Brian Taylor & Melvyn Scott


You may recall there was a knocking on my door. I thought Tina was coming back for more. I jumped out of bed and threw a towel around my waist; however, I was sadly mistaken. As a result, I stood in my living room naked except for the towel wrapped around my waist with the five FBI agents surrounding me looking at the head-shot of Marilyn Monroe and wondering had I somehow slipped down the rabbit hole found in Alice in Wonderland's fairy tale.

Chapter 1

"We desperately need your help in locating Miss Monroe. She's causing a lot of collateral damage so to speak and the sooner we find her the better for society at large." Said the female, agent Carmichael.

Her eyes were boring through me as her right index finger tapped on the photograph of Marilyn's black and white head shot.

"I don't understand?!" I said dumbfounded.

"Let me make it clear to you!" agent Carmichael persisted. "She's not who you think she is?!"

"That's not Marilyn Monroe?!"

"Yes. It is Marilyn Monroe but it goes deeper than that!"

"I don't understand?"

We were right back where we started. Feds! I tried to help them along.

"Marilyn Monroe is dead." I said.

That should get us somewhere I thought.

"We know she's dead. That's why we're here talking to you." Said agent Carmichael.

Now I was really lost. What did they know about me and if they did know how did they know it? Best to cut to the chase.

"What are you talking about?!"

"You want to put on some clothes? We've got a lot to talk about."

I nodded and went into my bedroom and threw on some jeans, a t-shirt and slid into a pair of flip flops. I begrudgingly plodded back into my living room to face the five agents still standing there like Grecian statues in a row. Agent Carmichael ushered me to a seat at my dining table. I sat down and she took a spare chair and moved it next to me then plopped the folder down in my lap as she seated herself.

"What you're looking at," she said. "Is not a woman at all, but an ancient demon called a succubus."

"A suck a what?!"

"A succubus. It's a female demon that comes into men's dreams and screw them while devouring their life essence in their sleep.

"Okay. Well, it was nice meeting all of you but I just don't see what help I can be of. Sorry to waste your time.

I figured that this was probably some fringe rogue element of the FBI. Or simply a band of nuts out doing their own thing. Either way, I wanted no part of it. I made a move to try and stand up and lead them to the door but agent Carmichael gently placed her hand on my shoulder with just enough pressure to keep me seated. I relaxed and sat there.

"Please Mr. Mullberry, can you just hear us out?" agent Carmichael pleaded.

I raised an apprehensive eyebrow and waited.

"I know that it sounds far-fetched," she continued. "But I'm a little surprised that you of all people are having so much trouble believing the facts of what we're telling you. I mean, you know that things exist in this world that can't be explained with merely scientific theory! It's my understanding that you've seen these things first hand."

Munch Bucket "Eerie" Mysteries Book III Bean Pies, Burgers & a side of SuccubusWhere stories live. Discover now