Chapter 1

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There are only about twenty of us left in our group. When this whole pandemic started, we had a little over a hundred. We had been moving through the woods in northern Illinois when we found our cabin. We took shelter in the cabin, and lucky for us, it hadn't been emptied out yet. There were plenty of canned foods that were could salvage, and there were a few beds.

This was good for us because we were starting to run low on supplies. We needed medical supplies to tend for Jessica. Luckily there is a hospital about two miles away. We sent James and Dale to check for supplies.

James and Dale have been gone for almost two days. They should have been back with the medicine by now. We were starting to worry. Jessica's condition was getting worse by the minute and she wouldn't last much longer.

Devin was fed up with waiting on them. He had everyone gather around the fire.
"We need to keep moving. If we're here to long another group might find us, and we can't risk that with all the kids here. We need to protect them. Plus Jessica really needs medical attention or she won't make it," exclaimed Devin.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree," shouted Paul. Everyone agreed. "But we need to stay here just in case they come back," stammered Jon, worried about his friends.
"We will go towards the hospital and if we see them they will regroup with us," explained Devin.

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