Dreading Life

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~Sia's P.O.V~

I was heading to Taco Bell for lunch like I do everyday. And then, I feel a touch on my shoulder,it was Aaron. I was glad to see him, today was not a good day for me. Being late and then seeing Aya in the hall,she looked pretty pissed off...she must of had grumpy ol'Summerton this morning. Oh well.
Aaron and I had a long conversation on the way to Taco Bell. He came with me today,he usually doesn't. We didn't get to hang out at all on the weekend, I was visiting my aunt and he was at cadets. Every weekend we usually go to lazer tag with my best friend Sasha and her boyfriend Shawn. But, we were all super busy.

Meanwhile at Taco Bell, I ordered my usual, "Build Your Own Box" with two soft tacos,fries,cinnamon twists and a pop. I had to eat it quickly because I walked slower then usual today,because I was so tired.

Tbh, I don't even wanna go back to that Hell Hole,I have history with Ms.Locks. She makes history 10x more then it usually is. She's all modetone, like this one kid in my Drama class named Tiger...yeesh.
In History class,I was texting Sasha,who was in Music. She said they had to do monologues. I was so jealous, monologues were my favourite. "Oh no,Ms.Locks caught me gtg,ttyl" I quickly typed to Sasha.

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