The Uchiha Twins and Revenge

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This may be a long chapter.

Izuku's Pov


The room went silent. I don't like silence. I guess I'm used to Kacchan's yelling and arguing with the others. Haha, I miss him. I miss him a lot.

"...Oniisan? Izuku is that you?"

I don't like this. His voice sounds kinda sad. Almost like mine. Like he's missing something but tries to hide it. He never was the best actor or at least I could see through his act. I got up from my spot on the floor, walking up to him. Instinctively, he pushed past what I would guess is his team and sensei. We both stopped when our noses were almost touching. Eyes locked on each other. It was almost like a challenge. But I've done this a million times.

When Sasuke and I were little, I was very much like Itachi. A prodigy. But Sasuke had his ego to keep him going. Other than that he was a sweet kid. Ever so often he would try to say that just because he was the younger twin, he was still stronger. Then stupid competitions like this would occur.

Staring Contests

Childish but effective. I'd always end up winning. The Sharingan really is helpful.

I activated my Sharingon staring into his eyes. I swear I could see him smirking but my eyes were focused on his. Sasuke chuckled and then to my surprise activated his Sharingan. He seemed pleased with my surprise. I almost want to forfeit just this once. But no, he'll say something along the lines of " That's not a fair win. Give me everything you got." Almost like Kacchan during the sports festival.

I simply grinned and activated my new Mangekuo Sharingon. Obviously surprised by this, Sasuke gasped and blinked a few times. "Shit... Why do you always win?" Sasuke stated in a monochrome tone. " It's nice to see you too, brother." I smiled while watching the younger twin sulk.

A kid with bright blonde hair and whiskers started shouting. "Sasuke the hell was that? You two literally just stared at each other for two minutes! Also... You never told us you had another brother!" The whiskered boy and Sasuke seem like rivals but I can tell there are other forms of chemistry flowing within them. My gay-dar is almost never wrong.

Sasuke walked over to the boy, grabbed his face, and said in a surprisingly sweet tone said," I'm sorry Naruto. I kinda forgot to tell you." I just smirked at this. If only mom knew all three of her children were gay. Well, Itachi never said he was but you can tell.

Next to my new favorite couple were three people. The copycat ninja, Kakashi who I assume is their sensei, a pink-haired kunoichi who was displeased by my brother's affection toward Naruto and a monochrome-looking boy with little to no emotion on his face. What an interesting bunch.

I think I'll have fun with this group though.

On the other hand at U.A.

Bakugou's Pov

I hate this place without him. The class was still shocked that Izuku left. But what made me mad is that their acting was even worse. Like FUCK! It's so obvious that they don't care. My so-called 'friends' tried to cheer me up by trying to make me forget all about him. But that never worked. He's always on my mind.

During lunch, I ate on the roof like I use to do with Izuku. I sat there and ate by myself thinking of him. It was quiet. And I hated it. So I went back to class early.

As I made my way to the classroom I heard my 'friends' talking. Talking about me and Izuku. I was about to walk in when I heard Shitty Hair say something shocking.

" Ugh, I hate how Izuku takes up all his attention. Bakugou should be with me! Not that loser. Man, I almost feel bad that he left but ugh. I'm so glad he's gone. We can finally keep Bakugou to ourselves without any interruptions."

This pissed me off. Like a lot. He was supposed to be my best friend. But he hates Izuku so much just because he hangs out with me. This is ridiculous. But you know what would be more ridiculous... Getting revenge for Izuku. No, it would be my revenge. My revenge for taking away the one selfless person I know. I can't wait to fool with these extras.

I like NaruSasu because gay ships are awesome!💗🤠

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